Calling all Sony Alpha users! (Part 4)

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I'll just stick to the easy route and choose 160 and see how I go on! If it looks good enough to me that's fine! I am not as technical as I should be really, but I've only had a camera for 18 months and all self taught, I seem to spend more time in the field shooting than learning the technicals, which I pick up as I go along.

Thanks again for your help.
Have a look here, its mentioned for a Nikon D700, but you can do the same thing with Sony:

This is the key concept.."It is a NEF-file set to be neutral by using a WB preset in your camera. This preset will always have a neutral histogram, in any light condition. So it is easy to judge correct exposure using the camera histogram."
300mm f/2.8 primes are always awesome, as long as you don't mind the size.

I have a 300mm f/2.8 in Nikon fit - but I find myself using my 70-400 SSM a lot more.

I would generally avoid using a 2x TC even on my Nikon 300mm f/2.8.

I can't comment on the Minolta version, but all 300mm primes are awesome.
Got a bit of a battery life suprise over the bank holiday - I was out at Llandow yesterday and took 1900 pictures with my A700 and 70-200 SSM. I have the Sony VG, but even so didn't exhaust the first battery, it started at 97% and ended at 12%.

I thought they were only good for about 800 shots each. Now quite a few were on contiunous advance and the camera was only switched on for about three hours, but even so I'm impressed.
My A900 is fine for battery life as well - I was using my 70-400 SSM which I just love over the weekend.




Andy I am actively hunting a 70 400 how does it perform on the A700 ? as I am also tempted to save a shed load of cash and go for a Sigma 12 - 400 HSM. Ian
No problem Andy, Looks good on the A900 you have a great Flickr. Anyone else paired the 70 400 G with a A700 ?
No problem Andy, Looks good on the A900 you have a great Flickr. Anyone else paired the 70 400 G with a A700 ?

i had the 70-400 G paired with an A700[in fact,the one andy now owns),and i was very happy with the results i got...although i never used it very much(hence why i ended up selling it).if it's a lens you would use,then i can certainly recommend getting one (y)
i had the 70-400 G paired with an A700[in fact,the one andy now owns),and i was very happy with the results i got...although i never used it very much(hence why i ended up selling it).if it's a lens you would use,then i can certainly recommend getting one (y)

I really love that lens! I still have your A700 as well, but tbh I just don't use it :LOL:

I actually sold my Minolta 80-200 f/2.8 APO HS (loved that :love:) as since got your 70-400 SSM its not seen the light of day.

I do think the 70-400 SSM is exceptional for a 70-400 lens - it murders the Nikon 80-400 VR for optics, focus speed, everything.


Only problem is that is still silver :LOL:
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i had the 70-400 G paired with an A700[in fact,the one andy now owns),and i was very happy with the results i got...although i never used it very much(hence why i ended up selling it).if it's a lens you would use,then i can certainly recommend getting one (y)

Thanx Stan, I only seem to use two lens my Tamron sp90 and my Beercan plus 2xtc. The Beercan is a truly great lens for it's money and paired with the tc is doing a reasonable job but is slowwwwwwwwwwwww and noisy with its 20 year old af hence the hunt for a 70 400. Ian
Thanx Stan, I only seem to use two lens my Tamron sp90 and my Beercan plus 2xtc. The Beercan is a truly great lens for it's money and paired with the tc is doing a reasonable job but is slowwwwwwwwwwwww and noisy with its 20 year old af hence the hunt for a 70 400. Ian

Given the max aperture of a beercan is f/4 it shouldn't AF at all with a 2xTC, unless you have one which lies to the camera.
Given the max aperture of a beercan is f/4 it shouldn't AF at all with a 2xTC, unless you have one which lies to the camera.

I don't understand, F8 is not too small an aperture and in semi decent light I can use F11

Above shot taken with Beercan plus Kenko Mx-AF 2X Teleplus MC7. Sorry I sound so thick but I am puzzled as to why it shouldn't work. Ian
I don't understand, F8 is not too small an aperture and in semi decent light I can use F11

Above shot taken with Beercan plus Kenko Mx-AF 2X Teleplus MC7. Sorry I sound so thick but I am puzzled as to why it shouldn't work. Ian

It's to do with light loss using TCs, wouldnt work meaning that there isn't enough light for the AF sensors to operate and acquire focus. Although I think the rule of thumb is that F8 is the min from TC ratio X max lens apperture, in your case 2 X 4 =f8 which is about right
It's to do with light loss using TCs, wouldnt work meaning that there isn't enough light for the AF sensors to operate and acquire focus. Although I think the rule of thumb is that F8 is the min from TC ratio X max lens apperture, in your case 2 X 4 =f8 which is about right

Yea I fully under stand the light loss and effect on aperture but what has me puzzled is the "shouldn't work" and "unless you have one which lies to the camera" How could a TC trick the sensors in to thinking there was any more light ?
The Sony TCs stop the AF from working if the effective max aperture is greater than f/5.6. So, if I plug the 2x in to my Minolta 300/4 AF is disabled in the camera and I can't enable it - that's what I meant.
The Sony TCs stop the AF from working if the effective max aperture is greater than f/5.6. So, if I plug the 2x in to my Minolta 300/4 AF is disabled in the camera and I can't enable it - that's what I meant.

Thanks got it now, It's Sony trying to force you to go out and buy a F2.8 lens
I don't understand, F8 is not too small an aperture and in semi decent light I can use F11

But don't forget, the lens isn't at F11 when you are composing and focusing, it only stops down momentarily when the shutter opens.
I bought the 70-400G 2 months ago, mainly on the recommendation of Andy, and have not used it. You must think I'm mad but it's mainly due to the arrival of this little monster:


Two days ago the missus called to say a monk known as Sayadaw Kyaik Htee Saung was coming to the embassy (she's a diplomat). So I grabbed my camera bag and headed over.

From where I was sat the only lens I had with enough reach was the 70-400. Unfortunately the light was poor indoors and use flash was not appropriate so I had to hand hold @ 1/40s even using ISO 3200. Obviously the pics weren't going to be tack sharp but I'm very pleased with the outcome:


When I can find the time to get out for some shooting I can see that this lens is going to great for much more than just BIFs.
OK I have done it, bit the bullet and got myself a 70 400 g it arrived late pm today so tomorrow is test day weather permitting :clap:
Hi guys, I have the sam 18-55mm standard kit lens at the moment, would the Sigma 28-70mm f/2.8-4, would that be any use to me? As I have seen one doing cheap.

I had the Sig 24-70/2.8 EX DG APO (not macro though). Very competent lens. Can't comment on the one you are talking about, I didn't realise it existed until I looked it up on dyxum just now.

No idea if it would be of any use to you without knowing your requirements.
I had the Sig 24-70/2.8 EX DG APO (not macro though). Very competent lens. Can't comment on the one you are talking about, I didn't realise it existed until I looked it up on dyxum just now.

No idea if it would be of any use to you without knowing your requirements.

same here,although i had the macro version.i got rid as i found it wasn't wide enough for my landscape work.

lee,it will only be 2.8 wide open,so if your after a fast lens,look at the sigma 18-50 or tamron 17-50.i have the sigma 18-50 and it's a cracking lens.also look at where this would fit in with your current lens collection.
I had the Sig 24-70/2.8 EX DG APO (not macro though). Very competent lens. Can't comment on the one you are talking about, I didn't realise it existed until I looked it up on dyxum just now.

No idea if it would be of any use to you without knowing your requirements.

Yeh sorry should have been a little more specific, just finding my kit lens too slow.

same here,although i had the macro version.i got rid as i found it wasn't wide enough for my landscape work.

lee,it will only be 2.8 wide open,so if your after a fast lens,look at the sigma 18-50 or tamron 17-50.i have the sigma 18-50 and it's a cracking lens.also look at where this would fit in with your current lens collection.

Think I'll keep saving for a constant 2.8, it was just a really good price and was tempted.
Here are the first results from my new love, Sal 70 400 G SSM

Both Clickable, I am amazed with the lens looking forward to really getting to grips with it when time permits.
Would I be welcome here (ignoring the sig)

Just picked up the NEX-5. :D

Technically no alpha mount but under the Alpha brand, am I still welcome? :O
^^ of course you are you finding your new toy?

Uh huh, its as small as the Canon EF 85mm 1.8

IQ is stunning so far, some samples from it

This is the 5K with the 18-55 kit lens

Then I started messing about trying to use my Canon 85mm and it worked very well. Just need to finish off making the converted mount. Colour is poor since I have to hold it so had some leak.

Uh huh, its as small as the Canon EF 85mm 1.8

IQ is stunning so far, some samples from it

This is the 5K with the 18-55 kit lens

Then I started messing about trying to use my Canon 85mm and it worked very well. Just need to finish off making the converted mount. Colour is poor since I have to hold it so had some leak.


Great pics, im sure these are going to be great sellers.

Our NEX-5 arrived yesterday, We have the twin kits but can can sell them as 18-55mm or 16mm kits. Usual TP discount applies ;)

Great pics, im sure these are going to be great sellers.

Our NEX-5 arrived yesterday, We have the twin kits but can can sell them as 18-55mm or 16mm kits. Usual TP discount applies ;)

LOL! Nice plug. Very good products so ill do what I can to help you shift them. :)
i have to say they look very impressive with that first image esp standing out, could be a perfect holiday camera solution there.

Put it this way, its made me decide to sell my entire Canon gear list. Even the kit lens is pretty impressive, next is a 24-70Z or a 135! :D

Forgot to mention, a quick video here

A quick bokeh shot :)
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