Canon 50mm 1.8

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Hello. Looking at treating myself to a 50mm 1.8 lens but im reading mixed reviews. I am looking at getting one for £50/£60. Lost my job recently so no big expensive lenses/equipment for now just something new to play about with hence the 1.8 and not the 1.4.

The big question then. What do you guys think to the Canon 1.8 50mm lens. I have read it feels very plasticy but from what I can make out the quality of the images when using this lens seem quite good.
Fantastic lens for the money, but you may feel it's a bit long on your 400D...
Yeah - pretty much what you've said.
It's lightweight, plasticky, noisy and a little slow to auto-focus. And the MF ring is small and fiddly.


The IQ for the money is great. In terms of a photographic tool as well, having a prime lens is a really good learning tool, using your feet and body to zoom.
It's also so light, it almost changes your camera into a compact - so you can just chuck it in your bag if you're going out for an evening, where the wide aperture really helps in low-light environments :)

I love mine :)
Yeah - pretty much what you've said.
It's lightweight, plasticky, noisy and a little slow to auto-focus. And the MF ring is small and fiddly.


The IQ for the money is great. In terms of a photographic tool as well, having a prime lens is a really good learning tool, using your feet and body to zoom.
It's also so light, it almost changes your camera into a compact - so you can just chuck it in your bag if you're going out for an evening, where the wide aperture really helps in low-light environments :)

I love mine :)

Thanks bud. Think im going to look second hand and try to get one for £60 :D
Yeah - pretty much what you've said.
It's lightweight, plasticky, noisy and a little slow to auto-focus. And the MF ring is small and fiddly.


The IQ for the money is great. In terms of a photographic tool as well, having a prime lens is a really good learning tool, using your feet and body to zoom.
It's also so light, it almost changes your camera into a compact - so you can just chuck it in your bag if you're going out for an evening, where the wide aperture really helps in low-light environments :)

I love mine :)

What he said, but it really is a cracking lens for the money, and I too love mine. (y)
Also, if you ever get a macro extension tube, it seems to work really well for this...
Also, if you ever get a macro extension tube, it seems to work really well for this...

I could do with a macro lens so I might try one of the tubes out at a later date. My mum creates her own jewellery and I need a macro lens to photograph it for her website.

EDIT: Ive been looking around and want some extension tubes! :D
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Feels plasticy and cheap - i wouldnt fancy its chances after being dropped, the AF is slow and sounds like a cheese grater.
HOWEVER, optically i like it a lot. For that money its great. Its a bit long for a crop sensor if you're shooting indoors but other than that its worth getting and playing with.
Its usable at f/1.8 quality wise, stopped down to f/2.8 its very nice sharpness.
I have a 50mm 1.8 in the classifieds with a filter and hood, for 60 delivered :)

Its an awesome lens (in general, not just mine specifically). Stopped down to 2.2 or so and its so sharp, for such a cheap lens. You soon forget the bad points when you look at the photos for the first time!
Sambloxxy, I haven't been a member on here long enough to access the classifieds section but i'd be interested in buying the lens off you if its in good condition :) let me know and I can pay you whichever way is best for you if you are happy to sell to me. Thanks


Yes, the nifty fifty is plasticky and of basic build quality, but can give fantastic results and for the cost, is well worth an investment - does take some getting used to F1.8 though...

Still great fun
Got my 50mm f1.8 around seven months ago second hand, paid £55 for it and love what it does, nice and light to. A fabulous lens for silly money. I've an EF extension tube and it's excellent connected to it.

Beav said:
Hello. Looking at treating myself to a 50mm 1.8 lens but im reading mixed reviews. I am looking at getting one for £50/£60. Lost my job recently so no big expensive lenses/equipment for now just something new to play about with hence the 1.8 and not the 1.4.

The big question then. What do you guys think to the Canon 1.8 50mm lens. I have read it feels very plasticy but from what I can make out the quality of the images when using this lens seem quite good.

I think that for the price you can not beat it. It is very sharp indeed but truth be told I never use mine because of the focal length is just to long for me. I was planning to package it with my 600D kit I will be selling before I upgrade to full frame. As far as a plastic body, who cares its a 100 dollars in the u.s. and that's flat out cheap for a good lens.
What everyone else has said......smashing portrait lens on a crop sensor. What it does most for me is let me play with other technics not available with my kit lenses. Like for example - DOF and Bokeh or low light situations. As a learning tool it's cheaper than any course and to boot has IQ that rivals lenses of a much higher price point.
It was one of the first lens's I got. Learned a lot with it. Still use it a fair bit. For the money its definitely worth getting....
I got one and use it on my 5Dc, great lens for your money. Is a bit plasticy, but the advantage of this is weight, it weighs next to nothing ! And makes your dslr more compact ! :). Stopped down a bit its sharp in the centre, did a shoot a while back with it and got some fantastic shots, looking at the results you would have thought the lens was far more expensive :)
Best lens out there for the money. Buy it! Despite them having a cheaper build quality mine has lasted about 7 years+ and I've just given it to my dad. My sister used it for 3 months and didn't look after it at all; there was grease all over it and it's got dust in the elements now, but it still works!
I bought the Mk1 50mm f1.8 about six months ago. Looked at the newer Mk11, but much preferred the former. The build quality is better, plus a metal mount is always preferrable, to me. It is very sharp, and on my 600D makes a super portrait lens. I hope this helps.