Canon 5D3 price, how so low?

They manage it because early adopters are paying through the nose at inflated prices and there is a big fat profit margin in there which some suppliers are willing to cut into. You only have to look at the price plunges on most camera gear soon after release. The Canon 7D is a great example. At release I think full price was £1,699. Within only a few weeks it was down to £1499 and a couple of weeks later it was down to £1,299. That's at big High Street names like Jessops, who supplied mine.

I certainly doubt that their wholesale price dropped that quickly, so it was easy money for the first few weeks from those impatient souls who just couldn't wait. Now, of course, the 7D can be bought brand new for comfortably under £1,000, although not from the High Street where it is currently a little under £1,100.

7D price history at Amazon -

Much the same for the 5d2 -

Want to try a lens - - and that's with exchange rates moving against us very badly around four years ago. Back in 2006 Jessops wanted £500 for that lens.

I've pretty much stopped spending on gear now, but I have always shopped with best value (not necessarily cheapest) in mind, so I've bought from UK suppliers (Jessops, Jacobs, WHE, Morris Photographic), Digital Rev, UR Galaxy, Onestop-Digital and Kerso. If I wanted a 5D3 today I'd probably be looking to use Kerso, but I'd also look at the others mentioned above and Hdew too. Cashback websites can also swing the balance in favour of the UK once their lunatic launch prices have been trimmed.

Sorry but as the poster above me said cleary within weeks not months that the past canon models reduced price and as i said before, its not happening with the 5dmk3.
It's not happening yet. Nobody said it would.
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I would say that now that it is available (stock permitting) from at least one reliable source (eg Kerso) at near £400 below RRP then if you are itching, just do it if you want one.

You could be waiting a few months for a further reduction of a couple of hundred. I would personally have the camera to shoot with over the summer than wait it out over a minor downward trend in price.

In my view, expensive though it is at the minute, the fact that it has been long anticipated and the real improvements over the mk2 it brings means that it will be in reasonable demand for a while yet which will keep the prices stable. It has been my biggest indulgence in years by far and so far I haven't felt even the slightest buyers remorse.

In short, it's great. I'm just massively frustrated that I haven't been able to get out with it and shoot in anger yet.
Im on Guernsey at the moment on holiday how does £3059.00 grab you with a 24-105mm f4 is take away the price of the lens you must be looking about
£2,300 body only. I was tempted :D
Im on Guernsey at the moment on holiday how does £3059.00 grab you with a 24-105mm f4 is take away the price of the lens you must be looking about
£2,300 body only. I was tempted :D

Might be off to Jersey so only a stones throw away. What was the shop on Guernsey if I may ask?
Might be off to Jersey so only a stones throw away. What was the shop on Guernsey if I may ask?

I believe this was the name of the shop

St. Peter Port Guernsey Photographic Glategny Esplanade
St. Peter Port
GY1 1WR 01481 724 001


Well it was a toss up between hoping a flight south to Guernsey or going to good old Ian Kerr at FlashCamera :thinking:

My 5D3 is coming from Scotland, should be posted tomorrow (y)

Looks up Southend airport dang :bang: don't fly there :crying: I just checked Ker and there not in stock but I used his online chat and the canon promo works as he gives uk receipt so I'll get another lens n w8
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Well it was a toss up between hoping a flight south to Guernsey or going to good old Ian Kerr at FlashCamera :thinking:

My 5D3 is coming from Scotland, should be posted tomorrow (y)


how exciting! i got a way to save yet :(

let us know what you think of it when it arrives
Some Far Eastern exporters put "gift", or understate the value to ridiculous low price.........thus no duty !

BUT....... I have had a surprise bill from DHL once and TNT as well.
They must collect for HMRC.

Hence Jacobs for everything photographic [apart from the warranty thing]
Some Far Eastern exporters put "gift", or understate the value to ridiculous low price.........thus no duty !

BUT....... I have had a surprise bill from DHL once and TNT as well.
They must collect for HMRC.

Hence Jacobs for everything photographic [apart from the warranty thing]

I had the same for a studio lighting kit that was bought from HK :crying:
But someone here said that stock prices from the known highstreet brands like jessops all reduced the 5dmk2 and 7d within weeks of release and im telling you lot that is NOT the case this time round as the 5dmk3 is not budging PLUS the price of the 5dmk2 has actually increased a bit from £1500 to £1660

It's only been out for about a month. I think you're being a bit hopeful. Give it another month or two. Then, maybe, it will start to drop a little. After six months maybe a little more.

Ooh look....


A price drop about 12 weeks after retail release date (22nd March), with a bigger drop a couple of weeks later, and then pretty much on the slide ever since. I paid £2189 for mine in August, from HDEW, and now it's available from them for well under £2,000. Good rewards for those with the patience to wait a bit. :)
I just received my 5d3 this morning all in £1888 from HDEW, could have had it £100 cheaper paying via BT but im over the moon, I will certainly be using them again in the future.
With regards to slrhut, the price they advertise doesn't include tax. Try adding the item to your shopping cart, and suddenly you'll see the full price. There's a reason sites like that aren't included in search sites like camerapricebuster - because they have intentionally misguiding prices, and should be avoided.

Not sure I agree with you on this. I ordered from slrhut and the price stayed static once added to the cart..

This is my review: