Canon lens repair paint.

It really wasn't that bad, but I have since removed the paint and it's back to how it was before. It was only something to do while I keep my resolution of no beer! The images were awful but cripes, it wasn't a competition! I may try again one day with an air brush when boredom sets in on a dark cold night!
So, after a moan about taking before and after pictures in different light, here is another image. I wasnt happy with the outcome of original so had another go with different mix of paint.

Just ordered off Amazon £2.85, Worth a try.
tamiya paint will have a play.
Well it arrived, Just used XF-55, Not perfect but a lot better than the black chips. Used a cocktail stick on the small bits.
Just to add my 2p to the thread: I bought some xf-55 and xf-2 to touch up my 70-200. A mix of perhaps 5 parts xf-55 to 2 parts xf-2 seems to do the trick, using an 000 brush to gently apply.