Clouds - an open thread.

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Anything and everything to do with clouds.

Don't worry that others won't like your efforts - Just show us what you like.

Clyst st Mary Clouds D600 D60_4999.JPG

I don't know if these next two counts as clouds or lighting.



The approaching storm.

I was hoping that this would remain a space for people to share their photographs of clouds (on their own or with other things...

Bare trees clouds and blue sky Ixus 70 0606.jpg
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I was hoping that this would remain a space for people to share their photographs of clouds (on their own or with other things...

Quote from your good self - "Anything and everything to do with clouds." in your opening post #1
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Summer sky over Swindon...

Summer sky Swindon Voigtlander 15mm 14.JPG
From my 35mm days

View through a cloud

Tarmachen 920328 01.jpg

I think the mountain poking through is Meall nan Tarmachan, taken from somewhere on the way up Ben Lawers

View from inside a cloud

N Hessary 911200 01.jpg

North Hessary Tor and TV mast on Dartmoor. I knew I was there because I could hear the wind through the mast but I couldn't see anything till I nearly tripped over a cable anchor. I'd walked a compass bearing for some distance cross country and was spot on.
What comes out of clouds...

Raindrop ripples on flat roof A65 DSC03460.JPG