weekly Cobra's 2020 cataclysmic catastrophes Week 52 decorate and done!

Nice bee shot - and nice horn de shoe :D
Nicely shoe-horned in - but looking back, what a great shot for the graceful cheetah. Just a shame Harry couldn't grace us with his presence that week... But when I see his interpretation of static, I perhaps see why he wasn't able to pull off graceful. (I was worried that you'd have him holding a kite in a thunder-storm this week!)
Nicely shoe-horned in - but looking back, what a great shot for the graceful cheetah.
Thanks Alex (y)
(I was worried that you'd have him holding a kite in a thunder-storm this week!)
As far as I know, there are no storms booked for this area this week,
but what a great idea, I'll remember that if the need arises :D
I'm not so sure about honey bees but Harry is pretty good for being static. :giggle:
He has that down to a fine art :D

Cheers Stan (y)
good shot of the bee not really bothered if its a shoehorn its a good macro anyway
Lovely macro image there Cobra, brilliant on the light and colour. No problem in the shoehorn from me either.
good shot of the bee not really bothered if its a shoehorn its a good macro anyway
Thanks Allan (y)
Lovely macro image there Cobra, brilliant on the light and colour. No problem in the shoehorn from me either.
Cheers Jim.
( note to self must try harder on the shoehorns :D )
Superb detail in the bee shot.
Love Harry's homemade hammock.. was it a joint venture? :LOL:
Both great shots for static, technical and also humorous, well taken :)
Graceful - Yay, as you say, not bugs, Not your classic gob shot either ! you must be going soft ;)
Well colour matched with the background.
Static - Well the Harry shot is nice anyway. Loving the work put into the props :)
Nice shot of the bee, one of my favourite insects as opposed to wasps.
Graceful - Yay, as you say, not bugs, Not your classic gob shot either ! you must be going soft ;)
Best I could do before it started p***ing down :(

Static - Well the Harry shot is nice anyway. Loving the work put into the props :)
Cheers Tim (y)

Nice shot of the bee, one of my favourite insects as opposed to wasps.
Cheers Graham (y)
Lovely bee shot Chris - very detailed.
Love the work you put into the Harry shots. Doesn't look like he'll be going anywhere for a while!
Good bee shot even if busy bees are not the first thing you would usually consider as static. Harry's hammock looks like a repurposed face mask - hope he's keeping safe!
Good bee shot even if busy bees are not the first thing you would usually consider as static. Harry's hammock looks like a repurposed face mask - hope he's keeping safe!
They have to sit still at some point :D
Cheers Phil, and its just paper kitchen towel.
Great detail at colours.
Cheers Dom (y)
Week 32 Patterns
Well this one seems to be getting into a bit of a mucking fuddle though.
.... knit one pearl one drop one ...


I lost Harry :woot:

And then I found him, he had climbed into my Kaleidoscope, looking for this weeks theme. what a plonker!

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lovely close up of the spider, they certainly do weave some intricate patterns. Good job (on both images ;) )
Loving the spider pic and the uneven web.

Took me a while to spot Harry on the second though he does seem rather obvious now!
Nice Cross Spider (Well maybe just a bit narked)
Ooh, I do like the kaleidoscope image. Very abstract.
And the Spider Tim? :D
Thanks for commenting ( on some of it at least :LOL: ) (y)
Nice Cross Spider (Well maybe just a bit narked)
Cheers Dave, (y) I'd say more careless than anything TBH :D
The Harry shot is excellent! But I think the spider needs to read the pattern again...
I think your orb has been on the Cider, lots of detail though, right down to his hairy legs!
I like your kaleidoscope Harry too, simple and yet full of colour.
I think you're right, he seems to be making a right pig's ear of it.
I think you're right, he seems to be making a right pig's ear of it.
I doubt he'll be wining any prizes for "web" design any time soon :D

Thanks for dropping by Dom (y)
Good shots on both of your pattern Images Chris. I like the Harry shot best.
