Cropston Resevoir and Bradgate Park

AHHHH! Bradgate Park,many are the times me and my pals cycled there from Braunstone with our bottles of Pop and sandwiches.After a day of generally acting like Loonies it took us three times longer to get home 'cause we were Knackered. That was in the late fifties,early sixties.

The first goes to show the perils of cheap filters. A strong pink/purple cast across the sky - would I be right in assuming you had more than one filter attached?
Second is a better image for me, but suffering from over exposure in the water.
The third could be something, but it lacks any sort of punch at the minute, perhaps shooting in better light will yield potential.
The third one shows that a good view doesn't necessarily make a good photo. I know Bradgate Park from my youth, and the various viewpoints (Old John, the castle, etc) are better to take pictures of than from.

It's a great location, though - pretty much everything is easily accessible and there's loads of variety - and even if you end up with a memory card full of guff, you've had a day in a really nice spot. Don't forget to have an ice-cream from the kiosk over the road!
1. Cheep cast filters killed your shot. I also think a slight exposure light would help
2. is better. Compositionally both excellent
3. I might have moved a few paces right, angled slightly left and used the line of the two rocks more defintively, I'd have gone a bit back, possibly changed presepective to get less sky in and more land
PS, just noticed in 2, its probably NOT clipping but your water could do with a slight highlights reduction. In both you've used too strong a grad, the sky ideally matches the water brightnesswise, but is never darker than the water.
Thanks Steve, that does make sense. If I persue more landscape work I'll have to get a broader range of filters and good quality.

Do you suggest soft or hard grads ? @ST4

As Steve is being rude and ignoring you, I'll butt in :p
For this scene I'd be using my soft grads. Unless I have a straight uninterrupted horizon I tend the leave the hard grads in the bag. Not that they're bad though, prior to getting my softs all my shots used the hards and that includes mountains etc.
the softs are more forgiving on things sticking above your grad line, the hards have a tendency to turn it all black.