Crotal Bells 52 for 2024. Week 39-40 Exit-Candid

Week 5 Snappers delight
Been wanting a pic of this bridge since I stumbled upon it on the way home on the backroads, finally made the right turn yesterday and found it again.
Good job it's quiet here as it was a drive by phone snap with cautious looks in the rear mirror. I want to go back soon and do a set from both sides when I have time.
0001 Bridge.jpg
Mono works well!

Don;t forget to change your thread title ;)
I like the composition, the swooping junction in the foreground takes your eye up and through the bridge.
I like the composition, the swooping junction in the foreground takes your eye up and through the bridge.
Thanks Nick, I had to play around with it so no chance of getting the SooC tech this week.
Nice, I like that. Nice leading lines, good choice of mono. It makes me want to go through the arch and explore around the bend.

Worth a return visit.
Agree with the rest - works well in mono and nice leading line.
Week 6. My OCD means I am always messing with different organisers and re-packing the fishing lures. Think I've nailed it this time and all neat and tidy.
0006 NT.jpg
Nice one. I think I'd want Kevlar gloves for that!
I can relate to your OCD, born in September so no escape from that for me. Obviously the colours are for the fish, but they make for a splendid composition.
Do you use them,? they look so clean or is that all part of your OCD
Very Colourful
I can relate to your OCD, born in September so no escape from that for me. Obviously the colours are for the fish, but they make for a splendid composition.
Yep, September baby as well. Lot's of different colours, not sure how much the fish care but good for getting anglers to spend their money :)
Do you use them,? they look so clean or is that all part of your OCD
Very Colourful
I've re-stocked a fair bit lately so a lot of those are new or nearly new, they do get battle scared eventually (if you can catch anything)
Walked in to the spare room to start work this morning and the look of the weather out the window seemed right for this weeks theme. The rain was bouncing off the garage roofs and the sky was grey and full of it. Filthy weather.
Neat and tidy: A very colourful image.
Filthy: same here.. works well in mono.
Certainly shelled out with the effort on this one! Eggscellent!

Ahem - I like it :)
Really like this. Nice idea. Assuming the discarded shells are from two eggs, with the whole egg completing a kind of tryptich.
First Woodpecker of the year, well hidden from the camera (well not quite)
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Nice hidden 'pecker :)
Well spotted they're great at hiding, never caught a glimpse of one myself but hear them quite regularly in the woods near us.
Whole: Like the pov and the lighting.
Hidden: Good capture and well spotted. I hear them often but rarely see them.