Fuji Dave
I'm in Clover
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The gritty mono look really suits it.
Thanks Nick.
The gritty mono look really suits it.
Well spotted Dave. Fits the tech nicely and nice to get it behind you.
Ooh interesting viewpoint! What a huge drop in ground levels. Amazing castellations. Where were you?
Lots to see in this image Dave. Headstones, clay (clay?) chimneys, the top of what looks like a castle. Makes me think of a lot of questions.
A very interesting angle plus a very moody-looking sky too. Nice shot!
That's a fusion of architecture Dave. Nice one!
Unusual viewpoint and i'm struck by the huge number of chimneys in the image, not often you see that many in one picture (there are more than 50 in view!). Nicely done.
An interesting viewpoint that I would never think of taking. Well spotted.
That's a good idea Dave. Simple but very effective for the theme.
Really like your chosen shot Dave. Stands out beautifully against the black background.
Good spot Dave.
I agree, hope it's never needed.
Nice picture, shocking really.
Well spotted and perfect for the theme. Good to know where they are
Good spot Dave, hope it wasn't too hard to find.
Well spotted. Great that you have one around. We installed one on our village and are always thankful that it's so far not been needed!
Good shots Dave
Looking up: very well composed and exposed shot, I like it
Electric: kind of an random/odd place for a defibrillator isn't it?
Nicely spotted and on theme Dave.
2 good shots Dave. Both well framed and well lit.
Glad you got the eye of that tiger in focus Dave. Two fine shots.
Yup... got one. Nice shots too..
Nicely done Dave! Two good shotsb
Eye of the Tiger and Walk like an Egytian? Both very nice
Well depicted spotted it immediately. I like the depth of field which accentuated the 'eye'.