Decent strap recomendations?

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Hi all, I've just spoiled myself with the Tamron 35-150mm lens for my Sony A7iv.
Does anybody have a recommendation for a good strap/sling for this (heavy) combo?

Thanks Bri.
One of these: Black Rapid

I have used one of these for years for carrying a Nikon D810 with 80-400mm lens with a total weight of nearly 3kg. Very comfortable and with the clever shoulder strap you can actually bend over with it on and the camera doesn't come round and hit the floor. Quite expensive but really worth the money.
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Peak Design Slide Lite, or Slide or Leash depending on weight.
I have the Slide Lite and find it still too big so want a Leash now for my A7C so I reckon a Slide Lite would be perfect.
I have that lens for my D850. It's nice! Tbh I've not yet used a strap on the camera, so can't advise, but I could point you to the new series of mini-competitions/challenges we have started (see the Notice at the top of your screen) where we have a number of straps as prizes, if you can wait and take a chance!
Appreciate all the replies, thanks for the tips guys. I'll have a mooch at the black rapid and peak design straps. Cheers people
I’ve been very happy with optech straps, and still have a Talk Photography branded one.

Especially on my heavier cameras (Nikon DSLRs and the Fuji with the 100-400 on it).
I’ve been very happy with optech straps, and still have a Talk Photography branded one.

I'll echo that - my Optech strap is still performing well after nearly ten years of use on three generations of A7 body

Must confess I don't use really heavy lenses that often, but it copes well enough with a Canon FD 85mm f/1.2L and a Contax 180mm f/2.8, both of which are north of 900g if you include an E Mount adapter.
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I've used a Joby Sling Strap for the past 3 or 4 years. Really comfortable for use with a Canon DSLR and now a Fuji X-T4, both with 100-400mm lenses attached.
I’ve been very happy with optech straps, and still have a Talk Photography branded one.
Another happy OpTech user, I have the Dual Harness and the Pro straps (plus extension), so can quickly switch between the full harness, sling style, or regular strap, depending on what lenses I'm using, and how long I'll be carrying the camera / lens .

The only downside to this style of strap is that the camera / lens 'hangs free', so benefits from a resting a hand on it while walking to stop it swinging about - but that's try of pretty much all the sling style straps as well.
The only downside to this style of strap is that the camera / lens 'hangs free', so benefits from a resting a hand on it while walking to stop it swinging about

When that's a concern (with a 'traditional' style strap) I just slip the strap across my shoulder so the camera hangs to the side, which brings it under enough control.

e2a: clearly not an option with harness straps though.
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When that's a concern (with a 'traditional' style strap) I just slip the strap across my shoulder so the camera hangs to the side, which brings it under enough control.

e2a: clearly not an option with harness straps though.
With the OpTech Pro on it's own, that does work, but I find it's only comfortable for shorter lenses.
When I add the extension in to make it more a 'sling' style strap, you still get a fair bit of movement unless you use a hand to bring it under control.
I have wondered about getting one of the 'Capture Clip' style holders as a secondary system - so when I'm goign to be wandering about a bit, or clambering about, I can clip the camera in that to keep it steady - but I've not actually tried doing so yet!
Another happy OpTech user, I have the Dual Harness and the Pro straps (plus extension), so can quickly switch between the full harness, sling style, or regular strap, depending on what lenses I'm using, and how long I'll be carrying the camera / lens .

The only downside to this style of strap is that the camera / lens 'hangs free', so benefits from a resting a hand on it while walking to stop it swinging about - but that's try of pretty much all the sling style straps as well.

It's very rare that I carry the longer lens on the Fuji without having the rucksack on my back and when I've got the rucksack on, I almost always use the chest strap to keep my back happy! The chest strap is at the perfect level for me to hook the 100-400's tripod foot over it for longer periods of wandering around, although I tend not to go further than a couple of miles like that.
I often use two straps. Main camera with an Optech strap. Second camera with a Black Rapid sling strap - but I dislike that somewhat as I'm often wearing a thin media tabard and that those are often fairly slippery and the strap can slide off my shoulder if I'm not careful.

The main camera is often on a monopod and so I'm not actually using the strap most of the time. When I'm walking I'll wrap strap around my wrist and have camera and monopod over my shoulder, so in case camera detatches from monopod, its still safe.
I have used an Optech strap with a 6D with the EF version (700g) of this lens and a flashgun. It‘s much better than the Canon strap but at times I do take it off my neck for a break.
I’ve been using op tech straps for close to 20yrs.

Black rapid and Peak look like they have fancier engineering, but frankly you can find stories of them failing whereas the op tech just works without fuss
I’ve been using op tech straps for close to 20yrs.

Black rapid and Peak look like they have fancier engineering, but frankly you can find stories of them failing whereas the op tech just works without fuss
Me too I’ve been using Op Tech straps system and camera straps for years with no hassles they are excellent
a couple of years ago I remember talking to a photographer at the zoo whose black rapid clip failed , luckily his camera was ok
Another happy OpTech user, I have the Dual Harness and the Pro straps (plus extension), so can quickly switch between the full harness, sling style, or regular strap, depending on what lenses I'm using, and how long I'll be carrying the camera / lens .

The only downside to this style of strap is that the camera / lens 'hangs free', so benefits from a resting a hand on it while walking to stop it swinging about - but that's try of pretty much all the sling style straps as well.
That’s what I do swap between a full optech harness and a regular optech strap depending on what lens I’m using its quick to do and safe no hassle sytem
I'm sure there are reports of at least a few things failing in any sphere, be it camera straps, milk bottles, rat traps or even Venezuelan Vole-Hunting spears but I feel confident that most straps from reputable manufacturers are all as reliable as each other and there will always be the odd failure; I suspect most failures are due to finger-trouble.
Peak Design had a few failures with the original anchor links, so they redesigned them with thicker cord and replaced the old ones.

I have every confidence now.

A problem was the thicker cord won’t easily go through some camera lugs. I had a brainwave and use a loop of dental floss to pull the cord through.
Peak Design had a few failures with the original anchor links, so they redesigned them with thicker cord and replaced the old ones.

I have every confidence now.

A problem was the thicker cord won’t easily go through some camera lugs. I had a brainwave and use a loop of dental floss to pull the cord through.
Just make sure the lugs are smooth inside otherwise they can wear through.
Fuji caused me some issues using Optech mini connectors directly through the lugs.
Just posted a job lot of Optech stuff in the classifieds
It's always good to see what you are buying though. I quite fancied a Peak Designs Slide Light strap. But upon seeing one at the NEC I didn't much like it and preferred it's thicker brother.
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It's always good to see what you are buying though. I quite fancied a Peak Designs Slide Light strap. But upon seeing one at the NEC I didn't much like it and preferred it's thicker brother.
I bought a Slide Lite in January 2020 and its still unopened in the box.
Forgot I had it and since then only really used wrist straps so it remains unused.
My daughter won a Tamron branded one and really likes it so might give it a go one of these days
I have Peak Design Slide straps on DSLRs I use with long heavy lenses. They are generally fine but if I am wearing a back pack I find they cut into my neck. For smaller gear I use Optec straps, they are well made and comfortable.
'late to the party' BUT Black rapid for me all day long, used them for years - 1DXmkII with the Canon 200-400 on with no problem at all, now gone lighter kit with the R3 and the RF100-500 - I have tried others but always come back the the BR.

I have Peak Design Slide straps on DSLRs I use with long heavy lenses. They are generally fine but if I am wearing a back pack I find they cut into my neck. For smaller gear I use Optec straps, they are well made and comfortable.
Fidlock have just brought out a new strap that works with a backpack. It has a magnetic cup that you attach to each rucksack strap and the strap then has a magnetic part on it. So you can lift the camera up and it comes out of the cups and as you lower it, the magnets on the strap go back into the cups, keeping the weight off your neck.
It’s called the Snapsnap iirc
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Fidlock have just brought out a new strap that works with a backpack. It has a magnetic cup that you attach to each rucksack strap and the strap then has a magnetic part on it. So you can lift the camera up and it comes out of the cups and as you lower it, the magnets on the strap go back into the cups, keeping the weight of your neck.
It’s called the Snapsnap iirc
Have you got a link ?
Hmm I have and peak designs straps both o.k in there own right but I find the op tech tends not to move when needed ,and the PD leash is stiff and gets in the way of fingers ..
I recently aquired a leather strap that I have fitted with PD female clips ,first time out today and no problems with it , trying to get someone to make a better quality leather one that will be more flexible in length and thickness etc
One of these: Black Rapid

I have used one of these for years for carrying a Nikon D810 with 80-400mm lens with a total weight of nearly 3kg. Very comfortable and with the clever shoulder strap you can actually bend over with it on and the camera doesn't come round and hit the floor. Quite expensive but really worth the money.

I have a couple of Joby slings and this is the only real downside of them. Great when you're just walking about, but trying to do anything else with them and the camera will move around.
just contacted a local leather worker thats making me a custom leather strap to my specs . if it turns out o.k she can make them to order should be about a week or so before I know
just contacted a local leather worker thats making me a custom leather strap to my specs . if it turns out o.k she can make them to order should be about a week or so before I know
Now got the strap tested it .needs some adjustments .once ready I’ll take some pics
Don't know if they are still available, but I've been carrying my Canon 1DmkIV and 100-400 or 200 f2.8 lens on the end of a £15 qstrap for over 10 years, never had a single issue, nice and comfy too.
I have the black rapid and the peak design slide, like them both tbh. Like the way the black rapid allows the camera to move up the strap when in use more than the whole strap moving with the PD, but I prefer the PD for longer lenses because I prefer the way the camera sits at the hip with bigger lenses on. Prices are comparable between the two, the PD look nicer, and come in colours that can go with normal clothes when out in public
I have the black rapid and the peak design slide, like them both tbh. Like the way the black rapid allows the camera to move up the strap when in use more than the whole strap moving with the PD, but I prefer the PD for longer lenses because I prefer the way the camera sits at the hip with bigger lenses on. Prices are comparable between the two, the PD look nicer, and come in colours that can go with normal clothes when out in public
My only issue with the Peak Design slide strap when using a heavy camera and long lens is that it cuts into my neck and doesn’t work well with a backpack.