Dragonflies - Communal Thread

Sorry michael23, but this is Common Darter (Sympetrum striolatum) not Red-veined (S. fonscolombii). In S. fonscolombii the costa and most of the wing veins are crimson and the stigma is pale yellow with broad, dark borders. The photo shows that all the wing veins are dark and the stigma is reddy-brown with no obvious border. There is a nice picture on this page, taken in the Algarve, which shows both features well.

Thanks for pointing that out Stuart, very useful, I thought the veins were much redder when I first looked at it.

M34A2845 by Michael Johnson, on Flickr
Chalcolestes viridis Willow Emerald male 20180815 by Stuart Ball, on Flickr
Willow Emerald (Chalcolestes viridis) male

Compare with a male of the common Emerald Damselfly (Lestes sponsa)
Lestes sponsa 20170724 by Stuart Ball, on Flickr

In L.sponsa, the base and tip of the abdomen have blue pruinescence which is absent in C. viridis. The male claspers are quite different - in both L.sponsa and L. dryas (Scarce Emerald) the inner pair are well developed and the difference in shape is an important distinguishing feature between these two, but in C. viridis the inner claspers are hardly discernible. Finally, the stigma of C. viridis is pale yellow with a dark outline, but in the other species it is dark.
Can't quite make my mind up on this one, haven't got my book to hand either. Taken at Rutland Water,

M34A9199 by Michael Johnson, on Flickr

It's a battle scarred Skimmer (Orthetrum), either a Black-tailed or Keeled. I think a Keeled because it doesn't have the distinctive markings on the forewings leading cells.

The Skimmers typically like to warm up or lay in ambush at ground level.

Which month was this taken please? It could help confirm ID.
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It's a battle scarred Skimmer (Orthetrum), either a Black-tailed or Keeled. I think a Keeled because it doesn't have the distinctive markings on the forewings leading cells.

The Skimmers typically like to warm up or lay in ambush at ground level.

Which month was this taken please? It could help confirm ID.

Hi Robin it was taken 19th August, this year. Have only seen black tailed skimmer before, so if a keeled it's a new one for me.