weekly Ecniv's 52 for 2023

Week 16 - connected

* next to post from here *

by walls

And I was thinking connected was hard...
Then person onstreet with phone.. hmmm but street photos I am not liking. So a combo of tech with wires and wireless (I have to set this up though).
plugs in a wall.
Tree/plants branches..
Ok so lots of things it can be... And I have two in mind to take but need to take the time to take them... and weather perhaps...

crossing, road, bike and tram... connections

Bus connections/stop

Chain links connected to themselves and the fence
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Big catch up, well done on all your efforts, too many to comment on individually but my fave is the tram tracks in the road; I have no idea why.
Wow, well caught up. Some nice shots there, the 2nd cat shot made me smile and the last 2 pics with the water are lovely
Yeek! A heck of a catch up. Some lovely shots in there, but I’m with Martin, the tram tracks…..
Great catch up but for me the outstanding one is patterns.
I like the man in the tunnel, the picture looks complete
The tram tracks draw me in but somehow I prefer the welding glass shot, there's texture in the buildings.
Distant looking down the quayside really draws the eye to the distant.