Estelle in the sun

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What makes it patronising?

If an able bodied person took a photo in a security controlled abandoned building and I asked "How the hell did you get in there?" would that be patronising?

Or is it only patronising because Julian is in a wheelchair? Surely it's slightly narrow minded of you to treat Julian differently just because he has a disability. I asked Julian because it was a question relevant to him and how he took the photo. How you take a photo is part of the photo itself so to me it was a relevant question.


Did anybody actually read Sarah's post?
You didn't ask him how he took the photo, you asked him how he got to the site of the photo.
Sigh. You just can't help yourselves can you?
Twice you've been asked by moderators to drop it and constrain the conversation to the merits of the photo. Bloody kids :shake:
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