Evening view from the back garden

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Just a quick snap of this evenings view from my back garden.

ISO 500

It well exposed but other than that it does nothing fro me.
I think this spot has a bit of potential. I would have put the camera on a tripod, gottten down lower to put more of the foreground meadow (that looks like it could be lovely) on the lower third in a lot more detail, and framed it so the sky is just in the upper third. Lower ISO (500 seems high for the amount of light you had) and longer exposure to have a bit of movement in the cloud. Pop on a filter to make it even longer if you can. At the moment, the framing for me doesn't let me see the beautiful detail that I think is there.

If you don't have any filters then the lower ISO + tripod would help give a bit more time for some cloud/colour development in any case.
yes.. as Ali said.. get your tripod just above the height of the white flowers/weeds and right up close to them to give some foreground interest.. then the sky will complete the shot (y)