F&C meet up 18th May 2024

I really like the drystone wall one, you must have been using the big zoom as I don't think we got that close to the dale on our stroll. Do you think it would come out out OK on a wet print?

Thanks. Possibly, but it would need some re-touching - there's a noticeable scratch on the image (also on the other shot of you, Ian, and Chris) that I had to edit out in Photoshop.

And yes. Used the 28-300mm. Not sure what focal length though. Maybe around 150mm or so.
The last film I loaded that day was a single roll of Ferrania orto, which is an orthochromatic film released last year. You may remember that earlier in this thread I was concerned as I had left a yellow filter on, Well, it appears that there was still sufficient bandwidth getting through to the emulsion to make images! (I later confirmed with a photo of some red flowers that orto is indeed orthochromatic.)

Here are three from Castleton...

a) From above Cave Dale

2405GPMXBW07 orto Castleton.jpg

b) A member of our party executing another complex move on the descent towards Castleton

2405GPMXBW10 orto Castleton.jpg

c) Looking back up the river in Castleton

2405GPMXBW19 orto Castleton.jpg

All taken with the Pentax MX and my "new" SMC Pentax M 28mm f/2 lens (with the above-mentioned yellow filter), and processed in XTOL by The Darkroom UK in Cheltenham.

I'd like to say, this was a very enjoyable day (and my wife enjoyed meeting her cousin again after quite a few years), so many thanks to @sirch for organising it.

That about wraps up my photos, and I suspect I'm the last, so I wondered @sirch if this thread should be unstickied sometime soon?
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Lovely @ChrisR

Not quite the last, my colour 35mm is currently with FilmDev but I'm more than happy for @sirch to unpin this thread.

I still have the Minox film to dev but when that happens is anybody's guess!
b) A member of our party executing another complex move on the descent towards Castleton

View attachment 428465

Haha. Great timing there Chris. I remember that moment with great clarity - my boots were very slippy on the limestone sticking out of the soil and I thought I was going to end up on my arse! :LOL:
The last film I loaded that day was a single roll of Ferrania orto, which is an orthochromatic film released last year. You may remember that earlier in this thread I was concerned as I had left a yellow filter on, Well, it appears that there was still sufficient bandwidth getting through to the emulsion to make images! (I later confirmed with a photo of so e red flowers that orto is indeed orthochromatic.)

Here are three from Castleton...

a) From above Cave Dale

View attachment 428463

b) A member of our party executing another complex move on the descent towards Castleton

View attachment 428465

c) Looking back up the river in Castleton

View attachment 428466

All taken with the Pentax MX and my "new" SMC Pentax M 28mm f/2 lens (with the above-mentioned yellow filter), and processed in XTOL by The Darkroom UK in Cheltenham.

I'd like to say, this was a very enjoyable day (and my wife enjoyed meeting her cousin again after quite a few years), so many thanks to @sirch for organising it.

That about wraps up my photos, and I suspect I'm the last, so I wondered @sirch if this thread should be unstickied sometime soon?
Good set and I really like the light across the fields in the second one
FilmDev scans just arrived. I'm in a field in Shropshire with a load of car orientated folk. Poor mobile reception so will be a v slow drip of the Fuiicolour 35mm...
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Pity nothing being arranged for us in the south east of England.
There's nothing stopping you from setting something up. This wasn't an "official" event or anything, just a meet up of some of the folks on here.

Just post a message asking if anyone is interested in a south-east UK meet. (y)
I've been away in Shropshire camping with a load of folks with old cars as such as this (from the Castleton roll):


I had very infrequent phone signal and in the end gave up try to upload photos. I'm home so here are the last few:

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Some really great photos on this thread - especially the ones with us in them. I think the landscape photos are lovely, but things like Nige waving his arms about, me looking like I'm taking a dump on the bench (it was my back I tell you!), and evidence of Chris really trying hard to get to grips with 6x17 are great memories.