Favorite mobile APP related to photography??

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Whats your favorite iphone or android app related to photography? Need not be a
Camera app, could be anything relevant to photography. And whats is the reason ?

Currently i am hooked to TP to learn lotta stuff that is shared here. Whats yours?
Theres a brilliant little iphone app that calculates (or gives a very good starting point) to calculate long exposures when using grads. - cant remember the name offhand
I have idof calculator for depth of field and NDcalc for neutral density filters. Sun seeker is great for showing the direction of the sun through the day and not forgetting TP forums app!!
I have one called Photo tools. Was free to download and covers everything like shutter speed calculation with filters to depth of field and hyper focal lengths.
Thought I'd posted this earlier, but appears not. I like 360 on my iPhone 4. Easy to use for panoramas and saves them to the camera roll.
Camera+ on the iPhone, gives easy control of focus point and metering.

The only thing that'd improve it would be to allow independent flash metering.
I use,

  • Awesome Minture Pro, for tilt shift effects on phone pics.
  • PicShop, neat little photo editor.
  • Instagram, can I hear booing? :p
  • Phototools Pro, has a bunch of handy calculators.
  • Eyefi, to upload photo's straight away from my Ricoh GX200 on to my Nexus 7.
Laminar (iPad only) is a great bit of PP software, currently do 90% of mine on it due to the ease of the iPad but if I want to do anything serious, I've always got LR and PS on the laptop.
I use Snapseed and camera+ for simple editing. I do also use instagram.
My favourite however is LightTrac. All on iPhone
magic hour,dof,exposure,photobuddy,tpe and the latest is starwalk which is a fab app :)
I use camera+ on my iphone and quite like that. Also use instagram :)