btw I wonder why so many people are mentioning so often people like
Simon d'Entromot - don't take me wrong, I like this guys, I absolutely do, but 9/10 of his videos are talks about obvious (what is exposure, what is ISO, what is focal length, what is camera
and sensor in it) .. I am really surprised how many people need to ground themselves over and over with this basic information .. perhaps for those who just started, but
.. c'mon
Jared Polin - you're not serious, aren't you ??? .. I can't sustain 60 seconds watching this guy's rants about gear ... did he ever shot something ?? (rhetorical Q
).. For the sake of God, why do you believe that his `reviews' have any relevance when he's reviewing new piece of gear 52 times in the year ? This is pure masochism ..
Just go out and shoot instead !!!!!
Northrup's - dtto as JP (of course with exception that guys can watch Chelsea and ladies Tony) .. these two are especially toxic in my opinion .. pls
go out and shoot instead !!!!!