Film vs digital

However there is nothing better than watching a black and white print slowly come to life in a red lit room, nothing worse than the nine minutes of pitch black darkness developing a colour print, especially when you realise you have just itched yer personal bits with hands that previously had been in the bleach :D:D:D and just about nothing beats looking at a a tranny from a medium format hassleblad, other than looking at a tranny from a Sinar 5" x 4".....

I wish you all the best film explorers, its a great ride :):)


Yeah, that's what I miss the most about film , can't say I ever got too excited looking at trannies though ;)
Mr Cowasaki, my apologies for grabbing the OM 10's, if I had known then that you wanted one for your good lady I would happily have split with you. :)

Thanks, the deal I got was really good with the three lenses and flash so I was really pleased only missing the manual adapter, Olympus strap and leather case. I am sure I'll pick these up over next month or two :)
what would you shoot on film that you wouldn't on digital and why. I am interested, seen a fantastic looking Canon 1V for sale but why would I buy it other than to look at it. Come on, give me some reasons :):)

It's a mechanical/engineering wonderment in a way that a digital camera can never be.

It cost an absolute fortune when it was new and you can now probably get it for a derisory sum.

It will AF and function using all your EF lenses - just like your usual DSLR, so it's a pretty useful backup camera.

Slowly these camera in good nick are going to start drying up as photographers snap them up and hold onto them.

JFDI! (y)
... I like the sound of the 12 year old idea - can I put a 7 yr old in a darkroom?

I think my niece might like a manual camera..... and give me an excuse for a home darkroom
Thanks, the deal I got was really good with the three lenses and flash so I was really pleased only missing the manual adapter, Olympus strap and leather case. I am sure I'll pick these up over next month or two :)

I think there's a manual adapter on Ffordes at the moment, I came across it when I was being tempted by new lenses and things, hehe.

I've recently bought an OM1 and started doing more with film, processing black and white myself with a view to ultimately doing some printing. I've been using colour too but getting those processed elsewhere. At first I just wanted to have a go because I liked the idea of developing and printing etc, but I now feel film does have a certain different quality to it, the depth and light. It'd be interesting to photograph the same subject with film and digital and see the differences (though I expect that's been done many times already, in fact, now I think of it, I've seen something like that in a magazine) but yes, I do like the quality film has to it :)

I like how film makes me think more about each photo too, all too often with digital I'd see an interesting subject and snap away, but with film I find I'm considering things more and consequently finding the photography more relaxing, slow and enjoyable :)
snip...It'd be interesting to photograph the same subject with film and digital and see the differences

That's pretty much what I did with the first roll of film I put through my EOS-5 camera. I set up shots on the EOS450D using a tripod, took the shot, then replicated the settings on the EOS-5, dropped the EOS on the tripod, zoomed to same composition, and checked the metering to ensure it was handling in same way as the digital that i was used to. Then a week or so later, I got the film developed and compared the end result. It was an interesting exercise, and gave me a lot of faith in what the camera could do from a technical viewpoint. From an aesthetic point of view, it is fair to say that with the exception of one shot where I muffed the focus, I prefered the look of the film shots. This was, however an exercise using black and white rather than colour, and I'm not 100% convinced it'd have been as one-sided with colour.

Which image is film and which is digital?
rather than spoil the fun - i've not labelled which is which - click the image to go into my flickr, and it'll tell you there... :LOL:

(not a desperate attempt to drive circulation to my flickr, just a way to let people try and guess - honest)

Plus - the effect of the film is a lot more pronounced in sizes larger than allowed on here!
I think you're saying that the first one is film and the second, digital - but it still wasn't clear from your flickr page.

I prefer the contrast in textures in the first image.
I think you're saying that the first one is film and the second, digital - but it still wasn't clear from your flickr page.

I prefer the contrast in textures in the first image.

I noticed that the descriptions were a bit thin on the ground - i've edited them now, for the benefit of anyone who looks at this thread in future :)
Having recently gone back to enjoying film cameras as well as my nice shiny modern digital bodies, I think for me its the fun and nostalgia factor. I no longer have to use film [and indeed, several years ago it was the cost that left me unable to pursue the hobby for a few years] I actually enjoy opening the camera, slotting in the film and really spending time looking for the shot. I still feel like a total novice with a film camera in my hand, which is ridiculous considering the fact that for the first 3/4 of my life, it was all I had, but its proving a hugely enjoyable learning curve and I think it will do your digital shooting no harm at all. Afterall, coming home from digital shoot with 100 pics you like rather then 400 you mainly bin, is surely a far better use of your time, if that makes sense. (y)