First Glamour Shot

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First try at 2 umbrellas and speedlites. Would appreciate some feedback.
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Very nice! Really like the lighting and the photo as a whole! Only thing I'm not sure about is the hands:-& but I'm sure some of the pro guys can give more input here! Personally I like them add too it :)

Super shot, lovely model!
Thank you Stevie for the kind words and feedback. I have some others with different hands I'll post when I have some time to process. That's actually my wife she'll be glad to hear you liked it.
Hi Sandrat
indeed an egaging smile and eyes, beautiful complextion and hair
nuff sed!
what your shot appears to me to be is a bit unfocussed or other...especially in the teeth area
if you were to shoot this on a digital camera with a good lens, i think it would have more bite and be a larger more manageable size..

Thanks for taking the time to respond. You are right I think on the image shown with regards to focus and quality, I had a horrible time figuring out how to post it and ended up with a low res link to my Facebook page :(. The original is crisp and full size. I'll try to rehost it elsewhere in the next couple days. I think it will look some better to you.

I am new to this and used a canon d1000 with an 18-55 kit lens at roughly 1.5m from subject at 55mm.

Should I invest in a nifty fifty 1.8 to replicate these shots with better clarity?


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The 18-55 is a very capable lens, I think that the issues I'm seeing, as Geof pointed out could well just be down to it being a low res Facebook pic.
Possibly try using photobucket or the likes so it doesn't get massacred.

As an aside, I do recommend the 50mm 1.8, not because there's anything wrong with the 18-55, but because the 50 is a cracking little lens for the price.
Thanks VirtualAdept,

I'll get a new host or upload to my own domain. I think for a mere 100 bux I'll pick the 50mm up as it will let me play with DOF that the 18-55 can't do. It should open a few more doors for me like the speedlights and umbrellas did.
i favour and use for my shots PIXIE..they download quicker and are good representatives of the original..
i also use flikr but they take some time to download...i just use it for editing others shots
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getting there...does she have a sister...beautiful woman!

Thanks for all your help I'll continue on this photography trek. it has me so captivated! Yes she does have a sister :)