First scans with Plustek 8100

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This is an 1800ppi JPEG scan from an FP4 neg from 1983, which unlike some others has survived pretty well - probably because I developed it myself. Going through my old files and the store-processed negs from that period have a lot of cracalure, scratches and stress marks, compared to the ones I dev'd myself.

Caroline, Virginia Water, Nov 1983
Untitled (2).jpg
Very nice, good contrast and very fine detail. Well done.
I missed the hair above the rail on the left, but that's sorted now... Not bad for a (nearly) 40 year old shot...
I love the Plustek. I think it can give great results with a bit of playing about. Do you have any opinions on it now that you've used it?
I love the Plustek. I think it can give great results with a bit of playing about. Do you have any opinions on it now that you've used it?
I think the hardware is excellent, but slightly let down by the software - I would like more control over the tonal range: the controls we have at present seem too coarse and don't have the finesse I'm used to when working on files in Lightroom...
I haven't yet tried scanning RAW files yet, so everything is by nature a compromise when using the presets, but I think it's good enough.

The biggest shock is how grainy my B&W stuff shot on 400iso film is... I don't remember the photos being that grainy! Spoiled by 20 years of digital capture, I guess...
Tried this one again with the multi-exposure feature on the Plustek 8100 and it worked a treat.
A previous single-pass scan didn't record enough detail in the highlight area on the bottom-left of the picture without sacrificing the shadow detail on the right.
The multi-exposure facility records two scans - one for highlights and one for shadows.
Post-work done in Adobe LR Classic allowed me to bring up both the shadow and highlight details...
This would have been a breeze using a modern DSLR, especially something like a Nikon D750 with its massive dynamic range...

Bit of motion-blur on the face, but the other frames were less animated and pretty yawnworthy.

So, now that I've got to grips with Silverfast SE Plus 9, has anyone got tried using the Ai Studio 9 version...?