I’ve started posting to Flickr again after a break (last posted in 2018 iirc), deleted most of my images as was up to 1000 and started again.
It’s been quite interesting, followed a few groups and photographers for inspiration and it’s nice to have a scroll through.
for me the biggest strength of the platform was groups for specific lenses or focal lengths - not just to inform purchases but also to see what other people were doing with the same gear as me so I could keep pushing myself to try new things.
Instagram whilst it’s got loads of photos, isn’t for photographers. I’m sure some big YouTubers etc get some engagement, but it’s actually really hard to find anything on instagram unless you know what you are looking for. Most of Instagram is is really ‘Dave’s iPhone pictures at the zoo’ or some stupid meme or video that’s pointless - nice to keep up with friends / family but I don’t get any inspiration from it - or more precisely, it’s hard to find anything to get inspiration from.
So yea, do use it, not as busy as it was in its heyday 10-15 years ago, but still fun. Still on the free tier… when I get to 1000 images I might pay for a sub.