Flooding,The reality

Not being able to accurately tell how deep the water is can prove to be a big problem to!
Thats a good rule in theory - but if i did that at the moment i'd never go anywhere - my basic rule is not to go into water if you can't see the other side (or to get out and walk it first) , and as i say to try not to go in deeper than the wheels if i can (thats in the focus) - In the ranger 4x4 I'm not too bothered so long asi'm confident that i'm on the road and the water is less deep than the deck of the truck - it generally won't float on just the wheels if theres an air gap below the bed/splash plate.

There have been a couple of days where he ranger or even one of the tractors wasn't going to get across the Otter (we had one day when the depth marker at the crossing which indicates depths to 3ft, was completely under water) and I had to take a 18 mile detour through the hills