Free Photography Kindle Books

Another freebie from the Flawless series... (they're not great but it's free!)

Flawless Megan
There are a few on today, I have just got 4 free ones.

Also found out there is the Kindle for PC app, so you can have them in colour on your PC (probably mentioned before but i didn't know).

Mods, are we able to make this thread a sticky?
Well I've not been on for a few weeks and was shocked to see this thread had disappeared down to the 4th page! So to bump it right back to the top where free stuff should be here is the only photography related freebie I could find today!

Outdoor Nature Nude Figure Studies of Art Model Vanessa Jeanene

Some interesting rocks in this one...
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its no longer free..

Kindle Price: £2.89
Well here's a free book covering a subject we have all encountered and been a bit apprehensive with... how to work with a nude subject! I'm always a bit nervous, don't know about you guys.

Working with a naked lady

Might be worth a read, I always seem to pick up a tip or two from these freebies even if they are a bit short sometimes.
Here's the latest in the Ebony study series for anyone who following these...

Ebony on gray this time!

Study of Ebony-Skin on Gray

Bit of a dearth of useful books at the moment!
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Potentially all rubbish, but all free today. (y)

The Minimalist's Guide to Photography: Better Photos With Less Equipment by Thomas Hilmersen

Fix Your Photos with Photoshop Elements 11 - An Illustrated Step-By-Step Guide by Rick Peterson

Shooting Old Film Cameras - Fuji STX-2 - Volume 4 by Paul Moore

If you are a kindle user bookmark this site . Key in photography and set a price range of 0 to 0 . You'll always find at least one non nudey freebie a day
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Freebie for today!

Who knows what gems may lie in this one... ok I'm building it up a little! It's either this or another naked woman book and I think you 've seen enough naked ladies for a while...

Photo Tips from a Photojournalist

Woah that didn't last long... didn't see it for free yesterday either? Hey ho... sorry you missed it... If it's any consolation I did too - despite posting it I intended to get it later on today as I was busy at the time.
Just browsing for freebies and noticed the photographing children book from my previous post (yesterday) is still free today so if you missed it yesterday go get it now before they change it back!
Kindle Purchase Price: £5.82

not anymore its not.
thanks anyhow.
Doh... I guess I must be up earlier than they start

To make up for it here's another £6+ freebie that appeared after the price changes this morning...

Digital Photography Like a Pro!

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