Gardenbirders 52 for 2020

That's a nice set of old signs Michael
Nice colours in those old signs, nice signs of wear on them too.
perhaps an obvious subject; but this padlock secures the boat ramp at the Kelpies, taken on a walk a few days ago:

Barred 52 (1 of 1).JPG
Lots of detail and nice processing Michael.
Very nice indeed! Great study and lovely black and white processing.
apologies this is very much domestic snap level, however the theme is meaningful to me. This is a shirt i had made, and took receipt of this Tuesday, from dot art material made by Aboriginal artists in Australia, bought and shipped to the UK last year, which we collected on our belated arrival home and then had to sit on for three months waiting for the local tailor/seamstresses to open. It's unique as despite valliant efforts, at the time we bought the material, no such shirt existed. I have sent this image to the manfuacturer of the cloth in the hope they will make and sell these, to the benefit of both them and their indigenous craftspeople.

Personal (1 of 1).JPG
What a great idea! I love custom clobber. I sometimes have an idea for T-Shirt - maybe from a TV SHow or film. If a quick look online doesn't show me one I just design it myself :)
Hi Michael, spot on theme and what a great idea, I have 2 bits of dot art on my kitchen wall from Darwin, one by David Hudson and one by Mary Jujabilla, bought at an aboriginal art show. I never thought of getting material and having something made. Great colours in that too.
Love the back story - and highly personal so highly appropriate!
our first house guests post-lockdown-easing bought my wife some flowers. Over the following week they have decayed, gracefully, Yesterday it was time to empty the vase, there were some casualties:

52 decay (1 of 1).JPG
Gracefully decaying ...
Well that's a new slant on the theme, shoehorning at its finest (y)
Works for me as well - lateral thinking, but perhaps not quite shoehorning...

The composition is very nice and gives it the elegance and grace which it might not otherwise have, and good choice for black and white.
That's a striking shirt. I always thought about having some trousers made, I'm very particular about the fit and materials used. One day maybe.

Good use of the light and shadows.
This is Abbotshaugh Bridge, installed just 2 years ago, across the Carron, joining up several communities, a static structure if ever there was one:

Abbottshaugh 52 (1 of 1).JPG
Nice - did you use a Bridge Camera? :angelic:
Nicely thought out Michael (y)
Great amount of detail there, and the patterns that (especially on the beak) are very nicely seen.
This one is an archive image, taken up a hill in Tanzania in November 2017. The guide we had was rubbish at spotting birds but he saw this, which i never would have, a Three-toed Chameleon (with a tick by the looks of it):

Camo 52.JPG