weekly Gary’s 52 for 23 Week 52 - Favourite of the year

Pretty solid and moss looks good, been there a while I think and the kids won't be moving it
Urban - Well spotted. Ynfortunately I've see a lot of those recently - such a shame.
Hollow - is it that time of year already?
Solid - lovely colour you've captured in the moss.
Straight to the point with that one Gary :)
Two good shots Gary. Love the whimsical nature of the gate shot and you're right, the bench works well for the memory theme.
Nice memorial bench Gary :)
Gate - I love the gate, it would work well on a school or nursery school.
Good take on memory. The petals on the floor, whether intentional or not add a nice dimension to the shot.
The old post and fencing is awesome. Any story to go along with it?
Great colour on the post, they weren't very concerned about the budget when that was chosen.
Nice on. I do like the second shot of the rusty gates. Wonder what it would look like in mono?
Nicely spotted Gary :)
Final resting place for an old playground favourite

Week 44 - Captive.jpg
A bit late with this one but as always I seem to struggle with this topic, from a dog walk on our recent break

Week 45 - Snappers choice.jpg
It certainly is a wall! That sort of thing always makes me think - why was it there?
Snappers: Beautiful patches of light you've captured.
Wall: Definitely remnants... as @Boots said... I wonder why??
I can't zoom in enough to see if that's frost?

Adds a nice touch to the Autumnal scene.
It is frost, sometimes the iPhone 13 mini seems to muddy details in the photos
Nice shot - nice area :)
Nice shot - nice area :)
Thanks, it’s Dave the staffy’s new happy place at The Lido just off Walmersley Road in Bury. Full of squirrels,rats and occasionally deer