weekly Gary’s 52 for 23 Week 52 - Favourite of the year

As above you have nailed both nearby and the Tech
Pile of rubble left by workmen in local woods by River Irwell

Nature will find a way. Nice one Gary!
The fact you have some nice soft light on them, plus the inclusion of the little plant as noted already turns this into something of interest, and not just a pile of rocks. Nice one.
Perfect for the theme Gary, the little plant growing through would have been perfect for the Robust week.
Perfect for the theme Gary, the little plant growing through would have been perfect for the Robust week.
I agree, I haven’t walked that way for a couple of weeks, I knew that building works had been taking place so was hoping for an ‘irregular’ scene
Have you just done the hoovering?
Decorating , it’s surprising what’s under wardrobes and drawers when you move them , even though you clean every week
A particularly rubbishy rubbish photo Gary, but a very sound sound photo!
Experiment with new to me X-T10 and TTArtisans 25mm F2

Week 25 - Snappers choice.jpg
I really like this Gary. The bright horizontal line and the highlights from the candlestick make for a dramatic image. The only nitpick that I would have would be with the lack of space at the bottom of the candlestick and the top of the candle. I like how you've positioned the candlestick to hide the vertical string on the shades.
I also really like this, the contrasting shapes and overall colour work really well.
Like this particularly like the "glow" on the candle.
Watching, with one eye, like a coiled spring, ready to leap into action

Week 26 - Watching.jpg
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I see the leap brewing...here he goes...any time now...when you're ready...oh never mind, he's fallen asleep again ;)
Nice owd pooch :)
Ah that's lovely - having a nap but is on guard just in case. My little one hunts for the spot of sun in the room and does similar.

The candle almost looks like it has a soft glow around it, was that out of camera or a little LR/PS trickery?
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Ah that's lovely - having a nap but is on guard just in case. My little one hunts for the spot of sun in the room and does similar.

The candle almost looks like it has a soft glow around it, was that out of camera or a little LR/PS trickery?
the candlestick was back lit through the Venetian blinds, only use LR so just a tweet of WB and tone curve
Yeah - love a dog shot, looks great in B&W too.
Nicely torn Gary :)
They are indeed torn. Nicely arranged too so that we can piece the image back together.

Rejected from what? Or why? Is the question on my mind.
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They are indeed turn. Nicely arranged too so that we can piece the image back together.

Rejected from what? Or why? Is the question on my mind.
Creased first pass prints from workshop in Blackpool over Easter weekend
Fits the bill nicely. I like the nod to the photographer with the reflection in the glass.
What were they rejects for Gary? The old punker guy looks interesting.
The locals must have known the theme for this week as they have refrained from fly tipping and filling their front gardens with their unwanted furniture etc. So here’s a picture after the council did some work in the local park

Week 28 - Unsightly .jpg
Unsightly for now but it will soon mend itself. At least its looking nice and green :)