Gritty 52 Challenge For 2020.

Very nice indeed - and very poignant. Shots like these definitely bring a lump to the throat.
Broken is a nice idea, well taken too :)

I tried to uplight this with a red headtorch to give me more of a dramatic feel, but couldn't get the colour contrast right it kept coming out too light or too dark,

It's probably better in b&w anyway.
It's a good interpretation of the theme.
Week 8 Ability

So having spent last week indoors and enjoying it I decided to try my hand at indoor photography once again. A drunken evening with friends gave me the inspiration for Photo 1, the ability to keep a steady hand :). Photo 2 is a tool of my trade that gives me the ability to hear and formulate part of a bigger picture.


#1 is a really nice idea for the theme, Heather.
They were and probably still are a nightmare to navigate
Good take on the theme. Last time I tried that I failed miserably. Like the graininess of #2
2 Good pictures for Ability, I think I like the stethoscope, nice composition and colour.

Thanks Clive, the dreamy feel to my stethoscope was more of an accident as I was experimenting... I liked it as most of my patients are a biz hazy when I get to them :)
Even sober you need a good ability and steady hand to do #1 so will go for that one.

Thanks Dave, let’s just say there was a lot of expletives whilst we all tried and a lot of laughter.
#1 is a really nice idea for the theme, Heather.
They were and probably still are a nightmare to navigate

Thanks Cobra, I was scratching my head a bit on this one.. and then this fell into place for me.
Good take on the theme. Last time I tried that I failed miserably. Like the graininess of #2

Thanks Helen, best tried after a drink :) #2 was an after thought but I like it too. Thank you for your comment.
I like the first ability shot best, well taken. :)
I like that first shot (well I like them both), b&w works well. I was never very good at it myself.
Ability - both good shots I like the first one best for the theme.
Week 9 - Winter.


So It's been a while this was taken in Swanage back in March just prior to the pandemic hitting us, due to everything having gone mad in my line of work and my other half requiring my laptop to work from home my time to download and edit has been limited but I am back in the driving seat and am about to get myself back on track.
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Week 10 - Depict A Book
As my other half is a huge fan, props were easy to come by for this one.

Depict A Movie 2_.jpg
Week 12 - Fence (ed)

This was taken in Weymouth whilst I was away in the beginning of March, it was just literally before the pandemic and the world became a place where everyone went on lock down and everything we cherished got locked up and in some cases with fences being erected around things to stop people from entering.. my local park has padlocked the swings to the posts and put temporary fences around the climbing objects.

Fence (ed).jpg
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Week 11 - Transport.

I managed to get out just before lockdown to capture this image, I have never done anything like this before so was well out of my comfort zone..

Week 13 Flora

So having been extremely manic at work recently I have managed to get out in the last week to grab some photos to play catch up. My daily running route is through a field that is just a yellow hue, plays havoc with my hayfever but worth the sacrifice to go grab some shots with my new 50mm 1.4.

Great little catch up Heather, loving the Harry Potter shot.

Thanks Fuji Dave, giving Cobra a headache sorting my linky's out as having been so long I had forgotten ;) got a bit more breathing space now so able to try and make up for lost weeks, can't believe I'm 9 weeks behind. Hope your well, did't recognise your name change until Tom D told me when I bumped into him outside A&E.
Great catch up Heather Loving Harry potter (y)
Week 14 Time & High Key Technique.

As I have already mentioned Harry Potter items can be found around our house, not my choice but this clock is pretty cool...

Time & High Key Technique.jpg
Just checked and They all work fine (y)

Think I have worked it out now :banana:, having 9 weeks to catch up on is giving me plenty of practice..
Week 15 - Snappers Choice

So a wet and windy trip to the pond with my god daughter who got her first DSLR for Christmas and this stunning beauty was quite happy to pose for us both.
I was hand holding my Sigma 150-600c and was over the moon with this shot, so have chosen it for my snappers choice.

Week 16 - Use Your First Initial H... H for HEAP

This is my uniform in a heap awaiting going into the washing machine... it is as exhausted as I am … In the last 9 weeks I have had 10 days off....

For all those people who say they are bored, all those who say they are fed up at home... I would willingly swap places with them.. everyday I have to protect myself , my crewmate, all the staff in A&E & the wards we enter and all the patients we come into contact with. I can only wave from a distance at my loved ones, as protecting them is at the forefront of my mind, the days I need a hug I can't have one.
I face death more that I face life, and the sadness in the faces of those we take to hospital, knowing they will not be sharing their last breath in the company of their loved ones. Even those that survive are lucky not to be left with co-morbidities such as heart failure, renal failure... this virus attacks every inch of us and kicks our immunity into next year... there is going to be a lot of keyworkers requiring support after this and a lot of family members with a huge void in their lives.

I offer you all a BIG virtual social distancing hug to you, your family and your colleagues.

A huge thank you to any of you or family members making bags such as the blue one here, this is my confirmed Covid 19 uniform bag, it contains the uniform that was worn when I was dealing with confirmed patients..
H For Heap-1.jpg
Week 17 More Than One

So I got up of nights and decided to have a bash at some indoor photography, a friend had lent me some soft boxes and lights. I had no idea what I was doing but I enjoyed it and found it very relaxing.

I took plenty of shots but I think my own mood dictated the one I chose.

More Than One-1.jpg
Another great catch up sessions Heather. I think that clock is great, in both senses of the meaning .
Very well caught on the compliant Swan (y)
The "moody shot" is great. I think it sums up a lot peoples moods at present.

I offer you all a BIG virtual social distancing hug to you, your family and your colleagues.
And :hug: right back at ya (y)
TBH I don't think Paramedics are getting enough recognition in these times, ( and other times as well) putting there lives on the line out there,
without question.
So that's a big :hug: and :clap: from me :)
Week 16 Music

Deep in the bosom of the gentle night
Is when I search for the light
Pick up my pen and start to write
I struggle, I fight dark forces in the clear moonlight
Without fear


I can't get no sleep

I used to worry
Thought I was going mad in a hurry
Getting stressed, making excess mess in darkness
No electricity, something's all over me, greasy
Insomnia, please release me
And let me dream of making mad love to my girl on the heath
Tearing off tights with my teeth
But there's no release, no peace
I toss and turn without cease
Like a curse, open my eyes and rise like yeast
At least a couple of weeks since I last slept, kept taking sleepers
But now I keep myself pepped
Deeper still, that night
I write by candlelight, I find insight
Fundamental movement, huh, so when it's black
This insomniac, take an original tack
Keep the beast in my nature under ceaseless attack

I gets no sleep

I can't get no sleep

I can't get no sleep

I can't get no sleep

I need to sleep, I can't get no sleep

I need to sleep, I can't get no sleep

Another great catch up sessions Heather. I think that clock is great, in both senses of the meaning .
Very well caught on the compliant Swan (y)
The "moody shot" is great. I think it sums up a lot peoples moods at present.

And :hug: right back at ya (y)
TBH I don't think Paramedics are getting enough recognition in these times, ( and other times as well) putting there lives on the line out there,
without question.
So that's a big :hug: and :clap: from me :)

Cheers Cobra, I have tried to grab images but haven't had laptop time or headspace to sit and edit.. I was pleased with most of them and am now pleased that I am back on course and will be getting more days off now. Thank you for your choices, I have been taken out of my comfort zone and have also had to google certain things and have broadened my knowledge and now added to my skills.

As for us needing recognition, we are just doing what we do, we are just doing what comes naturally us... I think @TomD13 will agree with me I wouldn't be doing anything else.
Hey Heather,
That's some catch up. Glad you're still with us :)
That's good (or brave) of you, lending out your laptop for work purposes. I know I wouldn't have (but then I read the terms from my old employer for installing work email on your personal phone - it gave them the permission and ability to format the phone if they so wished... Needless to say, I didn't install it!)
  • Winter - My initial thoughts on this were that I would bring the whites up a bit to give it more pop. But on reflection, it's a winter's image, so the subdued tones are more appropriate the way you've presented it.
  • Book - Does your other half Cosplay? Young Mr Potter is a reasonably popular character at comic cons. Very nicely laid out, composed and taken :)
  • Fence(d) - Definitely portrays the theme. Whilst it's a muted shot, I'm wondering if lifting the whites would allow the sails to stand out?
  • Transport - Feels a little to me like a raw shot that hasn't been tweaked. (But then if you've not had time to sit at your laptop and play, that's understandable). I think this is the weakest of the catch up.
  • Flora - Light makes such a difference doesn't it. Love this, with the bright yellows popping against the blue (y)
  • Time - Weird how the towers are vertical yet the clock face isn't. Gotta love a bit of Potter. There's even a Dementor. Interesting how it's almost B&W but not quite.
  • Snappers - Loads of detail captured there :) Do you have a flickr account to host these on? As it would be interesting to see the exif data for the settings. I'm guessing wide open of quite a slow shutter speed here?
  • Initial - Absolutely understand where you're coming from here as my brother is an ambulance driver though patient transfer rather than paramedic - He's not having to be kept away from family as he doesn't work with "confirmed cases", but their PPE consists of masks and a polythene sheet gaffer taped between the cab and the rest of the ambulance.
    All I can say here is keep up the good work, stay safe and stay strong (platitudes I know, but 99% of the general public know what you are doing for us and are grateful (and the 1% protesters are just idiots).
  • More Than One - Lovely bit of low key. Very muted and well controlled lighting.
    Lighting is fun isn't it :) I'm sure you'll very quickly become hooked.
  • Music - I didn't recognise the lyrics, but once googled, yes I knew the track. I think the image could do with the whites being pushed as the white of the box is leaning towards 18% grey. A quick tweak would give it a bit more impact imo.
    Of course, muted might have been exactly what you were aiming for, given the subject, so YMMV.
Heather I love your H for Heap image. What a difficult time for you. Thank you for all you are doing. I worry for all of you in the front line and impressed that you are able to contribute here at all.

I don’t know the song for music, but hope that you are managing to get some peaceful sleep.