Guess what it is.

size 6 long shank reverse bend barbed hook for fishing:)
Not quite size 6 Dono but your spot on, it's a dry fly hook...well done and over you...

:LOL: I only wrote that as a joke, i was actually going to say for fly fishing.
Here is my effort, those who know, will know!

Your as cold as ice:LOL:
Lurch....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I am your father Lurch.:clap:

Place new picture now you must.
It it something really really tiny?
New cool blue coloured Rampant Rabbit.:naughty:
Car emmissions tester Ive convinced myself thats an exhaust in the background So now tell me how wrong I am
Bob :shrug:
is it a sawtooth ? I'm thinking perhaps the blue is the background and light colour is the saw
Tip of a pen?
sorry guys, been away so hadnt been on this thread until today!. Im still trying to work out how to post pictures so when I do I will post something! :)

I wont guess again as ive guessed two correctly now! :D
Telescope gear?