
Yesterday was really warm it got up to 27°-C here. Today at the moment it's 19°-C and hazy sunshine with a gentle breeze.
Had a very busy day yesterday, from early doors until about 10 pm, so didn't check in here. We had a very fine day although the clouds remained heavy at times and the retained heat became very muggy. Not nice. I never took much notice but I think we got to about 24°c. The clouds rolled in last night at twilight and we had rain overnight. We were just setling in when I heard the first rain.

Today is cloudy, muggy and we've had more rain. It's dry just now though but the skies look ominous. 14°c.

So that was summer. :LOL:
It's back down to 16°-C here at the moment, quite a bright morning though but very windy yet again.
Yesterday was awful, a proper stormy day, high winds and driving rain, it never got above 14°c either. It's not much better at the moment, although the rain has stopped for now at least and it's calmer. Currently 12°c.
I've just been into the back garden and it's really quite chilly as though it was an autumn evening. A quick Glos. weather check shows it's 14ºC.
Quite a nice bright morning here with a temperature of 16°-C at the moment and a light breeze.

I've been out since 04.30 and have now stopped at my fav' greasy spoon for some breakfast and maybe something else to eat that's not good for me. :)
Just right for an early ride this morning.
Much the same, dull and grey at the moment, although it is dry and I see broken clouds, so it may improve later on. I'm not sure what we have in store today, I've not checked. It's slightly warmer today, the heating hasn't been on for a few hours now and it's currently 14°c outside.
Too hot to eat at the patio table by 4.30pm.

All washing done and dried...:) 23ºC at 6.10pm as I post...not bad :) Back to the Euros second half. Italy v Switzerland 0-1.
Yesterday turned out to be a lovely day, after I'd finished my early morning snapping and had some breakfast I decided to just drift about snapping for another hour or so and then I made my way down to The Harbour and spent about four hours there just relaxing and talking to some mates putting the world to right.

Today so far the weather is overcast with a gentle breeze and 17°-C at the moment with a bit of rain forecast for later.
I was going to do a bit in the garden today until I went outside and felt the cold..Lol. Just 17ºC.

Btw. I thought it was going to be a dry night and put out the washing after the Euro game finished at 1015pm. A late finish due to a stoppage because of a thunderstorm over Dortmund which I got up via a live webcam on my iPad. People were sheltering under two large beer tents in the main square. Washing can often be dry by morning ..but..at 2.00am I heard the rain and had to bring it in. Wettish but not soaking. Like I was...:D
17°-C here at the moment, quite a pleasant morning but nothing special with light cloud and a moderate breeze.
Dull, grey, overcast and raining. I had hoped to cut the grass today but maybe not.

Currently 12°c.