HelenC's 52 for 2021 - Week 52: Showcase - critique welcome

Love the sand dune pic as it reminds me of home but the clouds are very dramatic. Not sure which one I would have chosen - both are excellent.
Also enjoyed the dune shot. That irregular fence is a nice find.
A few missed and non-opportunities for Halloween so I googled for some inspiration. It has roots in the Celtic celebration of Samhain when "The fields are bare, the leaves have fallen from the trees, and the skies are going gray and cold. It is the time of year when the earth has died and gone dormant." So a tenuous link to Halloween... :)

PW6A7550 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
Very atmospheric Helen! Perhaps you just need a ghostly headless horseman to come riding out of the mist!
It maybe tenuous, but it certainly works on the atmospheric front :)
IMO, A decent shoehorn works better than a crappy "on-theme". That's how I've been trying to approach it anyways.

I really like it. Moody, atmospheric and the B&W conversion is really nicely done. Lots of people think "convert to B&W" means "whack up the contrast", but the tones in this one are lovely. Top stuff.
Well it's certainly misty and moody so works for me :)
As the sky darkens and mist hides the gathering witches on the Eve of All Hallows. Yep, I can see that (y)
Misty = spooky for me……everything looks and sounds different in the mist…
Excellent shot love the use of the foreground leaves to give it some real depth
Very atmospheric Helen! Perhaps you just need a ghostly headless horseman to come riding out of the mist!
Or our local legend Black Shuck... an enormous black dog - allegedly ;)
It maybe tenuous, but it certainly works on the atmospheric front :)

IMO, A decent shoehorn works better than a crappy "on-theme". That's how I've been trying to approach it anyways.

I really like it. Moody, atmospheric and the B&W conversion is really nicely done. Lots of people think "convert to B&W" means "whack up the contrast", but the tones in this one are lovely. Top stuff.
Thanks... it was actually a basic LR conversion to mono "landscape" so I can't take credit ;)
Well it's certainly misty and moody so works for me :)

As the sky darkens and mist hides the gathering witches on the Eve of All Hallows. Yep, I can see that (y)

Lovely atmospheric shot. I particularly like the water drops.

Misty = spooky for me……everything looks and sounds different in the mist…

Very atmospheric

Excellent shot love the use of the foreground leaves to give it some real depth

Thats a great shot, as others have said its very atmospheric :)

Thanks for dropping by and for the great comments folks.
Kept trying to get to the pier at Southwold for this one but failed miserably on time so one from underneath the tree canopy on my daily walk. It would have been lovely to have some nice light coming through the leaves but the world wasn't playing ball.

PW6A7552 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
Its a shame when the light has other idea's :(
But it still works :)
Great idea for the theme and it fits nicely. Totally understand about the light, but you've caught this nicely.
Its a shame when the light has other idea's :(
But it still works :)
Simple and effective.
Great idea for the theme and it fits nicely. Totally understand about the light, but you've caught this nicely.
Still some nice colour in the leaves.
Still some nice colour in the leaves.
Annoying when nature doesn't play right, but still a great shot for the theme.
Thanks for the kind comments. I was hoping for a vast improvement for this week but unfortunately not :(
Okay.. back story. We have resurrected our local book group and the first book was set on the saltmarshes of North Norfolk. The person who chose it asked me if we could visit the "locations" and take some images to present at the meeting. There was only one convenient date which happened to be foggy, still and grey so lots of over-processed shots to provide something reasonable. All hand-held and not exactly inspired. I was meant to go on a sunrise shoot on Monday which was cancelled due to forecast blanket cloud so I'm afraid this week has escaped me. Here's one of the (slightly better) of the Norfolk shots...

PW6A7600 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
Saltmarshes can be/are, bleak places so tricky to get good shots unless you have some decent light to work with (I grew up in the Lincolnshire fens so I know bleak :) ). I think you've got some nice stuff in here with the line curving round to the main subject which is oddly tilted/sunken.
Perhaps for me could do with a bit more heavy contrast, but to be fair you've already alluded to the fact there's some heavy over processing going on.
^^^ agree about the contrast and I don't think it needs the sky line. An interesting shot!
Saltmarshes can be/are, bleak places so tricky to get good shots unless you have some decent light to work with (I grew up in the Lincolnshire fens so I know bleak :) ). I think you've got some nice stuff in here with the line curving round to the main subject which is oddly tilted/sunken.
Perhaps for me could do with a bit more heavy contrast, but to be fair you've already alluded to the fact there's some heavy over processing going on.
^^^ agree about the contrast and I don't think it needs the sky line. An interesting shot!
I like it, it is very atmospheric and looks cold too.
I think it works as is to much contrast would spoil it I think
Thanks for the comments folks.
Had a few days away in a very wet and stormy Northumberland... never seen so many rainbows in the course of a few days!
The castle taken from the back of the fishing huts on Holy Island

PW6A7907 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
Nice capture in B&W which works superbly in this shot. Loving the rain sheets beyond the castle!
Nice image and works well in mono - I like the way the shape of the hut seems to echo the shape of the castle, nicely composed.
Nice capture in B&W which works superbly in this shot. Loving the rain sheets beyond the castle!
Lovely - knew straight away where this was as I'm from Northumberland.

And whenever we seemed to go to Holy Island as a kid, I just remember it sheeting down.
Thanks @Kell - we spent a lot of time hiding under shelter waiting for the odd shaft of light to appear between rain storms!

Nice image and works well in mono - I like the way the shape of the hut seems to echo the shape of the castle, nicely composed.
nicely thought out photograph
Thanks for dropping by and commenting.. much appreciated.
Lovely shot for back. Not been for too long! Love the rain in the distance!
I was at a bit of a loss this week and the weather has been atrocious, then I drove past this new "installation", courtesy of a local billionaire. This chap seems to be the marmite of the local area... personally I'm sitting on the fence as to whether this is artistic or complete !**!. Not a great shot - especially given the orange netting in the background, but at least at cultural talking point.

PW6A7936 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
Wow, it's certainly......different! :)
Is there any backstory to it?
Weather's been pretty mixed here too. Oh for those bright sunny days of summer!
How tall is it? It does look a bit grim. can't say I'm a fan, I prefer Bovril to Marmite.
Good subject but could do with some sort of separation from the background - larger aperture/longer lens/different viewpoint ??