weekly HelenC's 52 for 2024. Week 36 & 37 catch up: Tools & Occupation

Well, it's certainly been a week for ever-changing light conditions.

Brilliant how the tracks through the wheat lead into the trees on the hill

And the weather is ridiculous - it could be two seasons stitched together onto one picture!
I like the way the sky is all cloud but the crops show the sun is peaking through somewhere, it gives the scene something extra.
Love that Helen :)

Certainly works for me.

Gorgeous shot, loving the colour contrast between the clouds and wheat.

Nice Helen- lovely contrast between the sky and the barley/oats, with a lovely wavy leading line

Wheat is a lovely colour and great lines, you have some nice fields down there Helen :)

Beautiful image indeed.

That's really nice!

Light = gorgeous shot.

Brilliant how the tracks through the wheat lead into the trees on the hill

And the weather is ridiculous - it could be two seasons stitched together onto one picture!

I like the way the sky is all cloud but the crops show the sun is peaking through somewhere, it gives the scene something extra.

Thanks for all the lovely feedback. Much appreciated. I could have posted this one for this week too...
Well, I like your chosen shot, but the barley field is something special
Both nice shots. Either would be just fine :)
Fab that Helen :)
Apologies for yet another field but it's been a busy week and too hot to do much out and abouting.
A field of barley drinking in the sunshine before it's harvested to make beer....

PW6A9201 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
Ah! I was a little confused when I saw the picture, but now I understand! Nice pic.
Ah! I was a little confused when I saw the picture, but now I understand! Nice pic.

Lovely image.

Very nice picture, like the drinking in the sunshine :)

Lovely colours, that shed/barn really makes the picture

Great take on the theme, it almost looks like the final scene from Gladitor.

Clever double shoehorn Helen

Thanks for commenting. @seaodyssey I have to admit it was a bit squeaky shoehorn :)
I have been distracted from photography by a vintage knitting machine I seem to have acquired... needs some TLC... now where did those days go??

On my way back from buying surgical spirit... a quick phone grab so I don't fall behind again.

IMG_20240808_112708 (1) by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
I like that Helen :)
A nice composition!

I like that Helen :)

Lovely scene and love the composition.

Very nice composition, love the framing of the scene by the trees and the leading line up to the bridge. loverly :)

Great composition. The path leading you in and the framing, as @RyanB has said. A quick phone grab!!

Nice Helen!

Very nice scene

That looks like a lovely walk, good leading lines too.

What a gorgeous bridge image. Feels like I'm there in the location.

Bridge sits so well between the trees!
Thanks for the great comments... much appreciated.
Apologies for going awol. A new laptop took some setting up and caused some problems too... hopefully all fixed now!

Catch up for Week 32: Hot.
It was too hot too go out, but this is one of the few blooms that has survived the drought in what I term my "hot border" (all reds, yellows and oranges)

PW6A9268 by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
Week 33: Song Title/Lyric + tech contrasty

Went out last night to capture one of my all time favourite songs... The Whole of the Moon. Unfortunately NONE of the moon was visible due to heavy cloud.
Instead... we have Under the boardwalk, down by the sea...

PW6A9265-Enhanced-NR by Helen Cannon, on Flickr
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