Hells Mouth

It's all very dark Dave, too dark to really make anything out imo. I'm sure there's a great shot to be processing in there though, looks like there's some good cloud definition :)
HUGE improvement Dave (y) I really like that now :)
Second for me Dave too, moody scene - very nice - I like the line of individuals leading from the left. Perhaps that top bright patch is a little distracting though...a crop would lose the blue patch though ....I might have attempted a little clone job :).

Minor niggle on a nice shot :)
I was trying to give a after sunset feel to the shot in my first post, backlit clouds and all that, seems it doesn't do much for peps
I prefer the 2nd pic, I like the light on the water and the moody sky and the way the jogger leads in from the left
need some dodging there or lifting the tone curve
looks a good shot very underexposed
cant say i get on well with your copyright banners..no matter how slight they detract imho
The second is a massive improvement mate, I had seen the first but not commented but having seen the second I love the image, I'm torn as to if I would have cloned the people out or not :thinking: I probably would have but then I'm clone mad as you know :LOL: :exit:

Na mate, i think the people add to the photo, but everyone is right the 2nd is much better!
Hiya Dave,

The 2nd shot gets my vote too. The first is far too dark.


Dawn :)
lovely image, 1st one's abit dark. 2nd is spot on! :)

Thanks Andrew (y)

Hiya Dave,

The 2nd shot gets my vote too. The first is far too dark.


Dawn :)

Thanks Dawn (y) I was going for the dark stormy look, but agree with everyone the lighter version looks best to me also
Might as well stick my 2p in.
Second as all have said.
Think the shot works better with the people.