Hiking / Walking Camera Bag

get a proper walking backpack and add an insert or just use a padded top loader type in it. your back will thank you!
i do the above and have a peak capture clip on the strap for the times i need quicker camera access.
get a proper walking backpack and add an insert or just use a padded top loader type in it. your back will thank you!
i do the above and have a peak capture clip on the strap for the times i need quicker camera access.

I use an optech set of straps onto the shoulder straps but find a proper walking pack with inserts a better way to go. Problem is always the tripod but it doesn't matter what rucksack, hauling a big gitzo is always going to be a pain
get a proper walking backpack and add an insert or just use a padded top loader type in it. your back will thank you!
i do the above and have a peak capture clip on the strap for the times i need quicker camera access.

Exactly what I do, any extra lenses are taken in the Lowepro lens cases I store them in and use Optech rucksack connectors not Peak Design clip
Camping equipment as in a tent,sleeping bag etc? Definitely go for a conventional rucksack then and some inserts for the camera. I've never seen anything that's primarily designed as a camera bag that would be big enough for that without costing a king's ransom.
as far as good walking bags , try a few on as fit will vary at lot. i love deuter and osprey (in that order) and find the Deuter ACT Trail PRO Hiking Rucksack great. it unzips over the front or works as a top loader. the front panel can be used to store a tripod behind or there are attachment points that can be used.
ignore the skim link added by amazon- I do wish the site owner would stop using these, they really irritate. id rather pay a small sub.
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Agree with using a normal rucksack and add inserts to hold the camera. The are lots of insert available online. It might take a bit of time to get to the sack you want and then find inserts that fit but it will be time well spent and save a fair bit too.
