How to format my Buffalo harddrives for use on both Mac and PC....


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Hi guys

I need an idiots guide to formatting my hardrives ready for use on a PC and Mac.

Thanks in advance

Kind regards

As far as I know neither os will read the others format without extra software apart from osx reading FAT32 but its not much use for big drives

I formatted my external drive as NTFS and downloaded NTFS-3g to the mac

There is a similar programme for windows but not sure what it is!

hope this helps! :)

maximum disk size for fat32 is 8TB..

osx will read ntfs but not write to it without software.
maximum disk size for fat32 is 8TB..

osx will read ntfs but not write to it without software.

never knew it was 8tb.

thats actually what i meant about reading but not writing! :bonk:
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Okay guys. I'm mega confused. I've attached one hard drive to the PC. Went to format and its only giving me the option to format NTFS. Last time (although I don't remember how) I was able to format a previous harddrive FAT 32


Please! :help:
OSX will read NTFS no problem but it won't write to it. So if the drive is only going to be read on the Mac no problem. However if you want to read and write to it from the Mac you need to get a copy of NTFS for OSX. It's from paragon Software. You can get a copy from the Apple shop, about £25. You can download a trial copy from Paragons web site. I did this then ordered a copy from Apple
OSX will read NTFS no problem but it won't write to it. So if the drive is only going to be read on the Mac no problem. However if you want to read and write to it from the Mac you need to get a copy of NTFS for OSX. It's from paragon Software. You can get a copy from the Apple shop, about £25. You can download a trial copy from Paragons web site. I did this then ordered a copy from Apple

I politely suggest anyone considering the paragon solution to put:

'paragon ntfs problems' into google for some enlightening reading.


ps I have been using ntfs-3g since the arrival of intel macs - so far, so good - my favourite price too!
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Not had any problems with Paragon on two Mac's running either Leopard and Snow Leopard. NTFS drive has been up and running for most of that time. But I am trying to migrate away from having to operate two type of file systems, concentrating on HFS+

Not tried NTFS-3g so can't comment
Another option to look at is to install MacDrive on your pc's. That way, you can format, read and write mac disks on the pc.
Sorry guys: Have sorted it now. Don't know what I did but they both export/import read fine on both PC and Mac :D Thanks for all the help :)