weekly Ian's 52 for 2015: Week 16 - Experiment

Love the way you have put the image on its side, would be lovely if the black foreground tree was perfectly on the horizon, but thats a minor crit its such a strong image as it is
Love the way you explain your thought processes and do a show and tell.

Elegant - yes it's a little soft but it doesn't detract at all from the elegant simplicity of the picture so fret ye not sir

Watery - this one is giving me a crick in the neck and I can see why you have chosen it but I must have an OCD gene somewhere that is saying to me that is so wrong, so I'm sorry :(, I like it the 'right way round as it's not abstracty (is that a word?) enough rotated.
would be lovely if the black foreground tree was perfectly on the horizon, but thats a minor crit its such a strong image as it is

I didn't think of that! I had a fair few of height options too so I missed that completely.

I must have an OCD gene somewhere that is saying to me that is so wrong, so I'm sorry :(, I like it the 'right way round as it's not abstracty (is that a word?) enough rotated.

Great new word and I think it actually defines what I thought might be missing. Not abstracty enough.

Thanks again for all time taken to give comments. It's appreciated!
:clap: Well done Ian.

A really strong thread so far and I've really enjoyed reading your thinking behind the shots and why you've chosen the ones that you have.

Beautiful image for 'watery' and definitely one worthy of a wall print.
Like Jill I think I prefer it the 'right way' up, but it works in both orientations and that certainly doesn't take away from it being a stunner!
Hi Ian - serious catch up time from me!

Scenic... well you have some lovely shots in your contact sheet. Top row #4 & 5, middle row #1, 2 & 6, bottom row #2 are my faves. I like your selected shot in the main pictures thread, but the machinery shot intrigues me more! I agree your processing is certainly "full", shall we say, but for B&W I don't mind that as much. It seems HDR doesn't count as a negative if you've converted to B&W ;) Agree it'd be good to see more of the machinery and less of the texture of the field, but that's maybe more to do with lighting than the processing?

Companions - brilliant idea! My favourite without seeing your chosen shot was actually the one to the right of that. Filling the frame more generally works for me (but not always) and the only issue there is the big reflection of your tripod/table! Difficult with convex lenses as a subject as it's almost impossible to hide them. Shooting through a big black screen with a hole cut out for the lens is one of the few non-PP possibilities, or shooting with a very acute angled light but then that causes other problems. I really like your chosen shot but a part of me would still prefer the next one along ;)

Elegant - nice take but I'm not 100% convinced by the framing/crop. It's very nearly there for me, but I'd also wanting to see more, especially of the bottom! Maybe a 100% central position would help?

Watery - of your final four, I do like the top right one... it's amazing how much more interesting that looks in B&W! I guess that's one of the "safe options" with a less than perfect sky: convert to mono! However, I really like what you've done with the selected shot and think you've chosen really well. Really interesting idea, slighty abstract and definitely stronger as an image than being the "right way up"! Well done :)
Thanks all for your comments - (especially the detailed feedback Paul - it's appreciated!). Seems the rotation is a bit Marmite and I'm not sold on it myself.

I'm not normally so heavy on the PP. I'm wondering if it's the flatness of the scenery outside in this grey Winter light that's the problem. Not even seen a decent sunset that I can recall for a while. Something to bear in mind as I move forward.
Hi Ian

I'm with @Bruja all the way ... great/interesting explanations but would rather see watery as nature intended. :LOL:
I really like your chosen shot for watery. A bit of creative thinking rotating it and, although I understand the Marmite nature of it, it's working for me (y)
Love the contact sheet. Actually for me i prefer No2. like the moodiness of the clouds, no doubt holding their watery contents in.
Week 7 - Bold

I've not looked at anyone else's shots this week yet, so I'm hoping I'm not the only one who found this incredibly difficult. Internet research, and dictionary work didn't help either and I spent a good few days walking around looking for bright contrasting colours. So in a way, it's not been a complete waste of effort. I knew what I wanted to do when I saw the theme. Bright Bold Colours. I just couldn't see anything other than Winter drab.

Until my wife put her boots on...

So now I had a subject. How to shoot it? More research this time, and searching for creative photos of shoes (i.e. non-product shots) resulted in some scary stuff. This week I learned (and can't now un-learn) there are ladies who sell "very used" shoes on eBay to gentlemen. Their photography is... well... unusual... to say the least...

So with my model unavailable - my wife has just had a hip revision and is still in a lot of pain and not up to contorting her legs - I spent a few hours proving to myself that I'll never be a product photographer.

Week 7 - Contact Sheet
by Harlequin565, on Flickr

So they wouldn't stand up on their own. I tried propping them up with the mop, leaning them on stairs and even hand holding them and taking multiple shots to clone out my hands later.The only shot that worked was when they fell over. Super.

Week 7 - Bold
by Harlequin565, on Flickr

I have no lights, so other than on-camera flash, I'm reliant on room lights. Also, at this time of year, if I don't get the shot done on the weekend, I'm shooting at night due to working 8-5. The exposure's been pushed up, curves pushed up too. In fact I think I went too slider happy with this and pushed everything up. I didn't want a product shot, but the reflection of the overhead lights off the leather has spoiled the effect I was after. In all honesty, I could probably tart this up a bit in Photoshop but these days if I can't do it in Lightroom I'm not bothered unless it's an exceptional photo. The subject doesn't inspire me either. Hey ho.

Tough theme #3 of 7. Glad it's over.

I think I'm actually getting more from commenting on other photos at the moment. There are some really inspirational photographers in this years 52. I'm spending time trying to "look" at photos and see the creativity in there. It's just a shame I can't get round more in the week. My apologies if I haven't even got to your thread yet! This week isn't looking like it's getting any slacker (I started writing this at 7am - it's now nearly nine). Maybe next week I'll do a "Paul" and get round everyone :)
Thos boots certainly fitting the Bold theme Ian, good choice.
Blimey, no one's going to miss the missus in the dark in those :LOL:

I know what you mean about getting the shot on the weekend.
Whilst it's still dark when I'm getting home ( work 8-5 with a 40 minute commute either end), I have to do the same thing :)
Great idea for a theme. Hope your wife recovers quickly and can model them for you very soon. Very bold indeed!
Love those boots Ian, an excellent choice for the theme ....and the contact sheet makes your thread so interesting to read, I often look at the 'props' I use and think to myself if anyone could see this :eek:

I agree about everyone else's photos too....everyone has such great ideas.

By the way ....Watery was a smasher too, I loved the sideways slant on it ....it's good to be different :)
HI, tough theme indeed but you have the ideal prop for it, they are indeed bold, out of all the pics in the contact sheet I think you have chosen well

To make them stand up on their own you could have maybe stuffed them with paper :thinking:
I'm glad yo quantified that subject with "the wife"
I was about to ask if they were yours :D
Yep the "laying down, artistically place" image works the best IMO :)
Definitely a bold subject Ian. A shame you couldn't have got them with say natural daylight but I understand why. I think you could have lots more fun in the future with these and go in with a macro lens for more abstract details, I look forward to seeing more!
I like your narrative and agree about learning from other's submissions.

Bold, indeed, wonderful colours and well, cracking boots.

Hightlights on the boots stand out and I can't help feeling there was a better composition, even though you tried loads.

Bold ... on theme, nicely composed and unproduct-shotty. (y) .... hmmm shame about the reflection.
Hi Ian, I hope your wife makes a speedy recovery.

Bold - can't argue with your choice for the theme, and I like the way you've composed the shot. I have the same roblem - I'm not geared up for indoor shots, so I know how difficult it is, but I think you've done well. :)
Very bold colours - works well, thanks for the info of how you got there
I think they look fine lying flat :) also very bold! I'm not 100% sure but I think a very fine coating of face powder or talc 'might' have taken the shine down enough to stop the reflection, or maybe pointing the flash at the ceiling? I will try it myself and report back :)
Hi Ian

must say , I like your back story & contact sheet for your chosen image (y)

Companions....I feel your pain with that theme ! But your chosen subjects work well......I like the texture of the bg & the sharpness of the lenses (y) The one that draws me though is the 3rd row down 4th image across...kinda like the crop & layout of that one :) & for some reason I keep thinking about "Wall E" when I look at the 4 top right images:D

Elegant.....Works for me , a bit soft maybe but it kinda suits the subject , well placed in the frame , like the crop , hmmmm....yup(y)

Watery just plays havoc with my eye's...sorry :hug:

Bold....actually laughed out loud re your ebay comments :LOL: I went through the same thing when I tried to shot shoes...for love nor money could I get a composition that looked even vaguely right ! I love the colors on the boots , you've given your own crit re the highlights....shooting in natural light is the way to go I reckon - & I suffer the same problem re working hours(8-6.30 is a good day !) & having to get the shots done at the weekends....but it keeps me in cameras so gotta do it :)
Thanks everyone.

Blimey, no one's going to miss the missus in the dark in those :LOL:

I think they're going back on eBay. Bit of a rash purchase I think.

Great idea for a theme. Hope your wife recovers quickly and can model them for you very soon. Very bold indeed!

Thanks. It'll be another year at least the consultant reckons. Hey ho...

I think they look fine lying flat :) also very bold! I'm not 100% sure but I think a very fine coating of face powder or talc 'might' have taken the shine down enough to stop the reflection, or maybe pointing the flash at the ceiling? I will try it myself and report back :)

What a brill idea. I'd probably be shot at dawn for doing it, but it's a good idea nonetheless.

Bold....actually laughed out loud re your ebay comments :LOL: I went through the same thing when I tried to shot shoes...for love nor money could I get a composition that looked even vaguely right ! I love the colors on the boots , you've given your own crit re the highlights....shooting in natural light is the way to go I reckon - & I suffer the same problem re working hours(8-6.30 is a good day !) & having to get the shots done at the weekends....but it keeps me in cameras so gotta do it :)

Damn. So many people in the same boat and shooting decent photos. I need to up my game.

Thankyou everyone for your comments. It's really appreciated despite my lack or responses. This week...
Week 8 - Relax

A rush job again this week. Isn't that ironic...?

It's a good reason to be honest. I've just been given the nod from the local college to teach Photoshop and Digital Photography (10 week beginners class) in the summer term. It's a dream (part-time) job to be honest and now requires a truckload of work to write handouts and presentations... So many screen shots.... My entire weekend was written off just organising schemes of work and drafting a course synopsis. I'm currently teaching Beginners Computing which is hugely rewarding but something photography based was what I always wanted to do. So come May I'll be earning money from Photography!!! What that means for my 52, I'm not sure. Once the course materials are written I'll be fine, but the next 8 weeks are going to be taken up with a lot of writing in the evening. I think I'm going to try and get through it with some nice photos which aren't going to be great but will keep my hand in.

Aaanyway... Relax...

Maggie and Oscar are our cats. They are quite the stressed out couple, and Oscar in particular is a cantankerous bugger. Maggie is permanently terrified of him and has had a tough life. Today I went down in my lunch hour to shoot them.

Week 7 Contact
by Harlequin565, on Flickr

Cat shots. Yay.

But there is something to be learned from this. From the 40 shots in the contact sheet, I've kept 6 I think with only one going on to Flickr. It's been really good practise on self-critique. Which shot actually fits the bill & why? Questioning my choices and thinking about the shots has really been useful this week.

Maggie is a bit neurotic. When she was a kitten, she was dead friendly and lovely. Then she got pregnant and had all sorts of problems. One of the kittens died inside her (wouldn't come out), one was stillborn and one made it. She had to have a C-section at the vets which was ludicrously expensive and she never really recovered. Ever since then she scampers away from Oscar and is permanently terrified of anyone strange in the house. To see her relax is really unusual and generally only of an evening when Oscar is outside and we're all relaxing by the fire. She'll only come to me these days and have a tickle, but mostly keeps herself to herself. To see her relax is quite unusual.

Week 07 - Relax
by Harlequin565, on Flickr

I love the framing, the pose and the lighting. I think that little Fuji 35mm is simply a stunning lens and ISO up to 6400 is a breeze for this camera. I deliberately didn't go f1.4 because I like the leeway of focus that f2 gives me. There's no cropping and just a tweak of contrast. I did try to desaturate the reds & blues as well as a B&W conversion but it looked cooked and to be honest, I just like the original. Those are our cushions and our wallpaper. I like it just as it is.

Tomorrow I'll hit the rest of the threads. Truly I will.
Relaxed indeed. Good choice with the DoF.

Oops, duplicate post.
awww kitteh - always gets my vote (y)

I am kitteh deprived :(

lovely shot, looks just like a cat I had when I was a child (called tipsy lol)
She looks very relaxed and contented. Good DOF ... like the whiskers. (y)
Congrats on your teaching Job Ian (y)
A very nice looking contact sheet, I think you picked the right one to showcase :)
Elegant - I like this. The simplistic nature of only including part of the subject makes it very strong. The lighting and off centre composition also adds to the image. Nice one.

Watery - I’m not sure the sidewards approach works for me but I do like the top left of the final four. The processing gives it a retro feel which works nicely

Bold - Blimey those are bright. That said you haven't over saturated the boots. I like the background surface as well.

Relax - I must admit to not being a cat person but this is a nice image of the family pet. There’s good sharpness in the eye and the shallowness of the focus beyond that real concentrates the viewer to the face of the cat.
I know what you mean about capturing cats in a relaxed mood. Our cat is either wide awake or fast asleep (or eating :p) I really like this picture and its DOF (y)

I was going to say it's always nice to see a relaxed pussy but then thought better of it :exit:
Hi Ian
Its Friday and my Brain is frazzled so if my comments don't make sense Ian, please forgive my singular brain cell. And thinking OMG it Friday and I haven't even sorted Relax yet :(
Bit like @Bruja Jills comments really .... There's an on going theme in the last two shots Puss in Boots?:exit: I spose back in the day we'd have called them Kinky Boots!:coat:

Back tracking to Watery
This cocked my Landscape head up;) OK your choice for me is the one I would have picked form the contact sheet, I keep cocking my head to one side (sorry) to view it though, Clever idea!
Nice reflection and I love the branches sticking out of the water its a nice focal point and anchor and is a sharp contrast against the rest of the image. Nice silhouetting of the trees against the sky.... Its fairly abstract in a way and that's interesting and disconcerting at the same time (for me:rolleyes:).
Nice work and a good take on the Image Ian.

Bold .... Personally I love those Kinky boots!!! I think there Fab! I think you have hit the nail on the head with that shot, it really works for me .... browsing through the contact sheet I think the selected picture is bang on. The lighting on anything reflective is a pain (so I recently found out myself) There is an old theatre trick of spraying hair spray on items that are highly reflective to matts them down a bit but at the risk of having your Wife wrap her boots round your earhole, metaphorically speaking for spoiling them! I guess the only option that might have worked a little better would have been Natural light.
I think the angle the boots are set at works well, and the colours are cracking. Beat those highlights and its a winner (but I know how hard that is:().
Nice Shot!

Relax ....Maggie I think that's a excellent shot, Pin Sharp where it needs to be, really well framed, and nice clean colours, love that little highlight running up Maggie's leading ear, and great light hitting her whiskers.
Relaxed really works here Nice Shot Ian(y)

Hope that your Wife recovers soon! My Brothers just had a hip replacement. So order of the day for both is some sensible physio and a careful recovery.

Congrats on your teaching Job Ian (y)

Thanks. Am really looking forward to it and can't wait for May!

Watery - I’m not sure the sidewards approach works for me but I do like the top left of the final four.

It's really useful to hear that a lot of folks didn't like the rotation. Thanks for the comments on my shots.

I was going to say it's always nice to see a relaxed pussy but then thought better of it :exit:

Jill... Look what you started...

Hi Ian
Bit like @Bruja Jills comments really .... There's an on going theme in the last two shots Puss in Boots?:exit: I spose back in the day we'd have called them Kinky Boots!:coat:

Hope that your Wife recovers soon! My Brothers just had a hip replacement. So order of the day for both is some sensible physio and a careful recovery.

Thanks Steve. It's actually a replacement of the replacement because the surgeon cocked up the first op. She's forty something so spending the last 3 years on crutches has not been pleasant. Still a way to go unfortunately. Hope your brother's recovery is swift and problem free!

Thanks to everyone else for your comments. It's appreciated.
Week 9 - Vertical

I cycle past these trees every day on my consitutional, so this morning I got out early and was rewarded with some lovely light. The huge mistake this time though was leaving the camera on auto ISO. Shooting on a tripod meant shutter speeds weren't important, so I ended up with unnecessarily noisy images. Oh well - you live & learn...

Week 9 Contact Sheet
by Harlequin565, on Flickr

Still not sure about the sky shots. I quite like them as abstracts but they didn't fit the theme so they were the first to be discarded. Then it was a case of deleting everything with my shadow in them. The sun was low this morning, so I had to use the timer and "run away" from the camera to get my shadow out of shot. I also discarded the images that didn't have that lovely strong light. I ended up with two photos I really liked and did B&W conversions with a little dodging and burning to highlight areas of the images.

I quite like both of them to be honest. And couldn't decide which was going to be my winner...

Version 1

Week 9 - Vertical I
by Harlequin565, on Flickr

I prefer this one, even though I think that v2 below is the better shot. I deliberately put the tripod in the tree shadow on this to avoid having to clone it out later. It's got not focal point though, and feels a bit "messy". Maybe "busy" and "cluttered" too.

Version 2

Week 9 - Vertical II
by Harlequin565, on Flickr

I think this is the stronger shot. More on-theme, more striking, stronger leading lines, less busy and a shoehorned subject in the tree on the left hand edge. In fact, after writing this, I think I prefer it to version 1. Spent a bit of time on pp on this using Photoshop rather than the Nik plugin on Lightroom. I think I prefer the more "realistic" result and as I'm supposed to be teaching Photoshop soon, I better start using it again!!
Hi, have to say version 2 for me a much better B+W conversion and it looks in some way sharper and i like the central kind of path through the trees
wooo ... I like that Ian #2 (y)

Great conversion, great shadows and what a brill idea PP-ing out the camera's shadow.