Is the x pro 2 over priced?

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I have the XT2 but I’ve never much liked the SLR vs the rangefinder. I had an xpro 1 so I know I like that style of camera and the optical viewfinder but I’m a little surprised at the cost of the xpro 2 vs the xt2. I bought my xt2 for £500 about 3 years. There’s nothing wrong with it as such I just love the rangefinder since selling my Leica m2. I’d love a digital Leica but £3k is a no go!
I think it is more that the X-T2 is underpriced...
I think it is more that the X-T2 is underpriced...
Never really thought about it like that lol.
It’s more if I can justify that price on a second hand camera when really it’s just ergonomics. I do prefer an optical viewfinder after using film for quite a while but largely I’m just not as in love with the feel of an slr. I suppose I could always trade the xt2 in with MPB
RF style cameras are getting thin on the ground these days. There is the Sony A7c and A6xxx ranges but other than those the used market is possibly a good option and prices may rise with demand and availability.
RF style cameras are getting thin on the ground these days. There is the Sony A7c and A6xxx ranges but other than those the used market is possibly a good option and prices may rise with demand and availability.
Yea they are a bit. My first proper cameras were the a5000 and a6000 so from that I think I just prefer them. That and my Leica m2.
I did think about a Leica but I can’t justify it at all. I thought they’d be about £2-£2.5k but they’re a good amount over £3.5. Think I’ll look to trade in the xt2
I am still kicking myself not getting a mint one with leather half case for £600 back in 2021.

It's averaging about £800 a year's more like £900 now. I don't know why, I've seen X-Pro3 for £1100.

I have an X-Pro1, only want the X-Pro2 for better AF but if the X-Pro3 is only £200 more....
the price of an xpro 1 still surprises me (body only) :( don't think I'll get one anytime soon
Yea they are a bit. My first proper cameras were the a5000 and a6000 so from that I think I just prefer them. That and my Leica m2.
I did think about a Leica but I can’t justify it at all. I thought they’d be about £2-£2.5k but they’re a good amount over £3.5. Think I’ll look to trade in the xt2

I can resist the M Series easily but I look at every Leica Q on sale here but so far I've managed to resist. The nearest I have is my Panasonic GX80 with a 14mm f2.5 lens giving a FF equivalent FoV of 28mm. Nearest because it's small and RF style but that's where the comparisons end. I know I get a good percentage of the enjoyment a Leica would give with his cheap combo at a fraction of the price. Actually that Panny and lens was the main reason my X100f didn't stay too long and is now with another happy owner.
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the price of an xpro 1 still surprises me (body only) :( don't think I'll get one anytime soon
Yea it’s not worth it now. I had one about 5 years ago. Used it as my only camera to Disney land. I loved it. I sold it for reasons I can’t remember and got the xt2. I then re bought the x pro and it was painfully slow. The slow buffer wasn’t a big deal but focus was pretty slow too. My xt2 is still really fast, I can’t really see the need for anything faster
I can resist the M Series easily but I look at every Leica Q on sale here but so far I've managed to resist. The nearest I have is my Panasonic GX80 with a 14mm f2.5 lens giving a FF equivalent FoV of 28mm. Nearest because it's small and RF style but that's where the comparisons end. I know I get a good percentage of the enjoyment a Leica would give with his cheap combo at a fraction of the price. Actually that Panny and lens was the main reason my X100f didn't stay too long and is now with another happy owner.
I can’t :( well I can but only because they’re so expensive lol. I miss using film cameras but I’m over the faff of developing and scanning them. I think I’ll pass on the xpro this year. If it’s just going to be a surrogate for a Leica I’ll still want a Leica so might as well save up and get one. They hold their value anyway so if I decide it’s not for me and sell I shouldn’t have lost much
Yea it’s not worth it now. I had one about 5 years ago. Used it as my only camera to Disney land. I loved it. I sold it for reasons I can’t remember and got the xt2. I then re bought the x pro and it was painfully slow. The slow buffer wasn’t a big deal but focus was pretty slow too. My xt2 is still really fast, I can’t really see the need for anything faster
Yes the X-Pro1 is slower but it renders so beautifully - the original X-Trans sensor was quite special, later ones IMO are definitely more ‘digital’ - nothing wrong with that, but the point of the X-Pro1 in 2024 is the image rendering, I bought one a few months ago, mint, less than 500 clicks, along with original 3 primes. Loving it - it lives in my bag with the 35mm F1.4 attached along with my Leica Q3 :)
Dont like them much personally, would much much rather a X-T4 which is a way better camera
I just don’t like looking through a digital screen. Never bothered me until I got heavily into film. I used film for about 90% of the photos I took and it’s ruined digital viewfinders for me lol
Yes the X-Pro1 is slower but it renders so beautifully - the original X-Trans sensor was quite special, later ones IMO are definitely more ‘digital’ - nothing wrong with that, but the point of the X-Pro1 in 2024 is the image rendering, I bought one a few months ago, mint, less than 500 clicks, along with original 3 primes. Loving it - it lives in my bag with the 35mm F1.4 attached along with my Leica Q3 :)
Damn you…I’m now considering it again lol. It was in the back of my mind to get one for things that don’t need fast focusing.
I just don’t like looking through a digital screen. Never bothered me until I got heavily into film. I used film for about 90% of the photos I took and it’s ruined digital viewfinders for me lol

I really hated electronic viewfinders at first but they kept improving over the years.

I understand though, some people will always much prefer optical viewfinders.
Yes the X-Pro1 is slower but it renders so beautifully - the original X-Trans sensor was quite special, later ones IMO are definitely more ‘digital’ - nothing wrong with that, but the point of the X-Pro1 in 2024 is the image rendering, I bought one a few months ago, mint, less than 500 clicks, along with original 3 primes. Loving it - it lives in my bag with the 35mm F1.4 attached along with my Leica Q3 :)
Remind me if you can, does the xpro 1 have the histogram viewable in the optical viewfinder?
At one point I ran 3 X-Pro1s and when they became obsolete I bought another 3 as spares. I now run 3 Leica M9s instead, I sold my 3 spares partly to fund the Leicas. I almost gave away one of my users to a friend (He gave me a tenner for a drink) and sold another of my users to MPB (I think). I have kept (for old times sake my original (first) X-Pro1 and the 23mm f1.4 but rarely use it. The trouble is it became so battered I didn't think it was worth anything.

At one point I ran 3 X-Pro1s and when they became obsolete I bought another 3 as spares. I now run 3 Leica M9s instead, I sold my 3 spares partly to fund the Leicas. I almost gave away one of my users to a friend (He gave me a tenner for a drink) and sold another of my users to MPB (I think). I have kept (for old times sake my original (first) X-Pro1 and the 23mm f1.4 but rarely use it. The trouble is it became so battered I didn't think it was worth anything.

View attachment 433815I actually like them when they are a bit battered lol. There’s a fair few on MPB marked as well used so I’m sure it is
At one point I ran 3 X-Pro1s and when they became obsolete I bought another 3 as spares. I now run 3 Leica M9s instead, I sold my 3 spares partly to fund the Leicas. I almost gave away one of my users to a friend (He gave me a tenner for a drink) and sold another of my users to MPB (I think). I have kept (for old times sake my original (first) X-Pro1 and the 23mm f1.4 but rarely use it. The trouble is it became so battered I didn't think it was worth anything.

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That is a lovely thing Paul. It looks quite retro, which is nice. I'd be happy to own that. Enjoy it :D
I “need” a new lens before I go away in late October so that has to be first but if I can find the extra money I might look an xpro 1 again. Use it more like I used to use film, digital for all the stuff I needed to be sure I got and film for the more casual fun stuff
I “need” a new lens before I go away in late October so that has to be first but if I can find the extra money I might look an xpro 1 again. Use it more like I used to use film, digital for all the stuff I needed to be sure I got and film for the more casual fun stuff

This is how I approach using these older bodies. I don't put it on Continuous focus or bursts. It is single shot, single point, single shot. Shoot it like film. It is a film experience on digital.

The Original X100 might also be a consideration too, similar money and no need to get a lens.
This is how I approach using these older bodies. I don't put it on Continuous focus or bursts. It is single shot, single point, single shot. Shoot it like film. It is a film experience on digital.

The Original X100 might also be a consideration too, similar money and no need to get a lens.
That’s true, the lens im looking at is the 23mm.
At one point I ran 3 X-Pro1s and when they became obsolete I bought another 3 as spares. I now run 3 Leica M9s instead, I sold my 3 spares partly to fund the Leicas. I almost gave away one of my users to a friend (He gave me a tenner for a drink) and sold another of my users to MPB (I think). I have kept (for old times sake my original (first) X-Pro1 and the 23mm f1.4 but rarely use it. The trouble is it became so battered I didn't think it was worth anything.

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Do drop me a line if you considered selling it.
I bought a new X-Pro2 in Graphite on release date from CameraWorld. I even travelled to that London to collect it. It’s about the only Fuji I regret selling. (Maybe except the X100F)
At one point I ran 3 X-Pro1s and when they became obsolete I bought another 3 as spares. I now run 3 Leica M9s instead, I sold my 3 spares partly to fund the Leicas. I almost gave away one of my users to a friend (He gave me a tenner for a drink) and sold another of my users to MPB (I think). I have kept (for old times sake my original (first) X-Pro1 and the 23mm f1.4 but rarely use it. The trouble is it became so battered I didn't think it was worth anything.

View attachment 433815

I love cameras with a bit of wear from plenty of usage :) I hope my F gets like that one day :)
I “need” a new lens before I go away in late October so that has to be first but if I can find the extra money I might look an xpro 1 again. Use it more like I used to use film, digital for all the stuff I needed to be sure I got and film for the more casual fun stuff

This is how I approach using these older bodies. I don't put it on Continuous focus or bursts. It is single shot, single point, single shot. Shoot it like film. It is a film experience on digital.

The Original X100 might also be a consideration too, similar money and no need to get a lens.

When I shoot street, I'm in zone/manual focus, LCD/EVF in Acros with red focus peaking.

When not shooting street, I'm in AF-S using the OVF (which I do prefer tbh) and in all cases I've got image review switched off. Occasionally I'll go in to check a shot or focus, but usually I don't bother and wait until I get home into LR.

I do like the "film experience on digital" wording. That's the exact reason I bought it - as well as the size/weight etc
When I shoot street, I'm in zone/manual focus, LCD/EVF in Acros with red focus peaking.

When not shooting street, I'm in AF-S using the OVF (which I do prefer tbh) and in all cases I've got image review switched off. Occasionally I'll go in to check a shot or focus, but usually I don't bother and wait until I get home into LR.

I do like the "film experience on digital" wording. That's the exact reason I bought it - as well as the size/weight etc
Yea I’ll have to see. I do want one again. Shame I want a new lens, be a no brainier otherwise.
I think that X100s is still in the classifieds.....

I keep looking at that and thinking back to my S (which turned out to be faulty and went back) and F. I did like the camera... but... I always chose something else over it. Someone should buy that S :D
My mates bringing me the XT2 tomorrow,the one with the oil like mark vaguely seen past F11.
He has XT5 so says I can have it.He's OCD looking after his gear so apart from the spot it will be like new.
Must say I’ve got generous friends,that’s the X100V ( another OCD owner) and now XT2 both FOC:giggle: