Just Finished My Garage to Studio conversion, tell me what you think?

Looks good and tidy.

Aside to what has already been mentioned about the ceiling and walls. How about a series of black roller blinds mounted around the sides? You keep a nice light and airy environment but can drop the blinds during the actual shoot to stop unwanted reflections.
Just an idea i had for if i ever do the same to my garage.

good idea, i'd considered different colours for headshots, so a black would be just as easy!
xSitara™;2246325 said:
Damn, that's a bloody good job, I wish I could do that but my mum would literally kill me :/

and i wish i knew how to make a living at photography !

if you ever need any help let me know (the garage that is!)
And I wish I knew how to make a living at photography too.

Oh yes ofcourse, my garage is massive shame there's too much stuff in there :(
Hi, first post here (except for the intro) and a thought about lighting stands.

I had a small dedicated room - though a bit wider - and found the best method of holding strobes were to use wall mounted booms. The maximum extended length was about 2 meters so mounted mid way along the room would allow considerable coverage. Everything from key lights by or behind the shooting position to fills/highlights by the model.

Nice studio by the way, just can't beat a bit of dedicated space(y)
