Just purchased a Nikon D80

Bob Friend
Edit My Images
Finally took the plunge after several weeks of trying to make up my mind!
I am now a proud owner of a Nikon D80.
Purchased the D80 with the kit lens (18 -135 F3.6), Tamron 55 - 200 F4.6, 8G Sandisk memory card extreme III, 2 polorising filters for the lenses, IR remote control, 1 Lowepro bag and a free Centon bag plus a cleaning kit. I also took out the Jessops 3 year accidental warranty cover as well. Just over £900 and I am sure it won't stop there either!! Not had much time to use it yet but I did manage to go out Wednesday evening and took a few night shots. Any comments welcome. I know I have a lot to learn about the camera and probably more about photography. This camera has just blown me away with it's features and ease of use. Not even been tempted to use auto as S, A and P modes actually give good results. My old camera (FUJI Fine pix s6500 FD) just didn't perform in any other mode apart from auto.

At the moment I feel like a dog with 2 tails, just cant stop wagging them both.


And here are the night shots:
1: Dover Docks (Love the light on the far left, How did that work?)
2: Dover Castle
3: Tail light round Castle hill
4: Wier at Hothfield. (More practice needed for this one!!!!)





Thanks for looking and any comments or advice welcome.


Bob :)
Congratulations, you wont be able to put it down, you will keep picking it up and playing with it i was the same.Great purchase its the only camera your ever need well done enjoy :clap:
Great camera. Enjoy.

You must be just down the road from me.

I think all the pics are great i love shots like that what shutter speed was it on i do really study picture from all angles ...Bye the way the spare tyre in the last one is fab (y) good price £900 with insurance well done.

Regards Mark
Not bad shots for your first tries with the new camera, but No 1 could do with a straighten up, the ferry and the lamp post are leaning to the right. Congrats on your new camera, I love my D80, but just wondering why you have a CANON lens in the photo, have you joined the Dark Side.:thinking::nikon:
Thanks for the comments so far.
I didn't set the tripod correctly for the Dover Docks shot, just wanted to get on with taking pictures!! Reviewed the shot and set the tripod level for the Dover Castle shot. What a difference it makes it preperation!! The tyre in the wier shot was just there and I had no access to remove it, without getting wet!

As for the Canon lens in the kit shot, it was the bag from Jessops and I placed the kit on it so stop glare from the glass table I placed my kit on.

I have a lot to learn but just cant wait to get out and about with my camera, (NEW TOY as my wife calls it)

As for my next purchase, I am looking at a Nikon 50mm F1.8 AF and possibly a teleconverter. Any advise on what to buy would be most welcome.

Cheers, Bob

Happy as a pig in a mud wallow!
Thanks for the comments so far.
I didn't set the tripod correctly for the Dover Docks shot, just wanted to get on with taking pictures!! Reviewed the shot and set the tripod level for the Dover Castle shot. What a difference it makes it preperation!! The tyre in the wier shot was just there and I had no access to remove it, without getting wet!

As for the Canon lens in the kit shot, it was the bag from Jessops and I placed the kit on it so stop glare from the glass table I placed my kit on.

I have a lot to learn but just cant wait to get out and about with my camera, (NEW TOY as my wife calls it)

As for my next purchase, I am looking at a Nikon 50mm F1.8 AF and possibly a teleconverter. Any advise on what to buy would be most welcome.

Cheers, Bob

Happy as a pig in a mud wallow!

It would be quite easy to straighten the first pic up in Photoshop or other imaging software.

Oh I see now I've put my glasses on:D
It's the picture on the bag, I thought it was just a bad picture of the lens.:LOL:

The Nikon 50mm would be a very good next purchase, it's an excellent lens, can't advise on teleconverter though.
Congratulations, Bob, the D80 was my first DSLR too :) Nice set of starter shots, looks as if you're going to be having great fun with your new toy.

I wouldn't bother with a teleconvertor at the moment, neither of the lenses you have at the moment, will work properly, if at all, with one. A battery grip (the proper Nikon MB-D80 one) is a good investment as it makes the camera feel far more balanced and a decent strap (the Op/Tech Pro at around £17 is my fav) is also a good investment.

Another good investment is a Giotttos Rocket Blower (between £7-8) for getting dust off the sensor painlessly....
I have rotated the shot using Nero photosnap. It's leveled but appears to have lost a bit of definition?


Or is it my poor eyesight?

Comments welcome.

I dare not mention photoshop! How much does that cost! Less than a divorce?????
Congratulations Bob. Many hours of fun to be had with a new toy (y)

I'm waiting for the right D200 to come my way LOL, then I will have two tails also.

Enjoy :woot:

I like the old wheel in the water shot myself (y)
Listen carefully. Loose the Canton carrier bag, you traitor! :bat::bat::bat:

Well done :D Good choice of camera!

That's amazing! The 2 altered images look similar. Thanks for having a go at it for me.

Best regards

Congrats! I too am the proud owner of a D80 now as I didn't like the lack of a motor in my D60
Ah, another Kentish Man from Kent ( I think I covered all bases there!) You'll have a great time round Dover with the new toy, and the suns shining today too! ( so far)
It is a great bit of kit. Hope you enjoy it as much as I am enjoying mine! The 50mm 1.8 is a great little lens for the value and nice a light for the times you don't want to be lugging around a hefty lens. That infrared remote is a nightmare to use though in low light so I got a phottix remote from ebay which was much better, not sure how you find your remote?

Please tell me you didn't carry the new kit out of Jessops in a Canon bag... The shame of it... :D

Its a safety feature, no one in their right mind would mug him thinking it had canon gear inside:LOL::LOL:

Its a safety feature, no one in their right mind would mug him thinking it had canon gear inside:LOL::LOL:



Welcome to the darkside young padawan.
Enjoy your purchase.

As to what to get next have a think about what ypes of photography you wish to pursue.

That should narrow down the options somewhat.
not that i know lot about camera`s but looks like a good deal :) Hapy snapping:)
My brother in law has one and thinks it's great. I have a D 40 and would go to a D60 only for the extra mega pixels. I mainly keep it on Program and am very pleased with some of my pictures but always looking to improve. I think (and I can see some of you nodding agreement here!) that a D80 might be wasted on me but of course enjoying photography has to be done on different levels.
I use Picasa and I can straighten a picture, sharpen or crop and that's enough for me. What a nice piece of technology the D80 is though. I know you will enjoy using it. Mick.
I dont think you should keep spanking money on equipment, learn to use what you have now properly.. then you will get a 'NEED' for new equipment, not just a want.. which means you'l be able to choose your next purchases properly :)