Critique required Kell's 52 4 24 - WK 37 and 38 Occupation and People

Week 27 - Light.

Late to the party this week as I've just not had time to go out with camera in hand.

Took all these on my walk back from work to the station last night.

All on Sony A7i + Minolta 35-70/3.5

Traffic LIGHT sign.

TP52 2024 Week 27 - LIGHT-01974 by Kell, on Flickr

LIGHT emitting diodes

TP52 2024 Week 27 - LIGHT-01992 by Kell, on Flickr

Some more LIGHT emitting diodes that will leave your wallet LIGHTER.

TP52 2024 Week 27 - LIGHT-01997 by Kell, on Flickr

Some LIGHTS no one wants to see.

TP52 2024 Week 27 - LIGHT-01998 by Kell, on Flickr

But it's this one I'm going with:

Running on blue LIGHTS

TP52 2024 Week 27 - LIGHT-01996 by Kell, on Flickr
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I like your Lights set and probably would have gone with your choice - but it's a strong set.

Clouds - it does what it says on the tin.
A good set of lights - and some lovely clouds :)
Definitely a different take on the theme for lights.
Great cloud shot... it looks like a hand held palm up to me - perhaps it's tickling the crane :D .
Definitely a different take on the theme for lights.
Great cloud shot... it looks like a hand held palm up to me - perhaps it's tickling the crane :D .

I see that too now.

Looks like it’s throwing the other cloud up in the air.
Week 29 - Summer

Our new garden furniture on the ONE day of SUMMER we've had this year.

Had to take all the cushions in this morning as it was raining.

TP52 2024 WK 29 - SUMMER-5130 by Kell, on Flickr

Something I love being able to do in the SUMMER is hang the washing out

TP52 2024 WK 29 - SUMMER-5132 by Kell, on Flickr

But I went with a shot from this series - as it's something I only ever do in the SUMMER - drink cider with ICE. Do I get extra TP points as this cider is from SUMMERset?

TP52 2024 WK 29 - SUMMER-02010 by Kell, on Flickr

TP52 2024 WK 29 - SUMMER-02019 by Kell, on Flickr

This was my chosen shot:

TP52 2024 WK 29 - SUMMER-5135 by Kell, on Flickr
Nice set Kell and you chose the right one :)
Yes, absolutely the right one. Makes me thirsty.

I think though you should lose a TP point for that pun!
Some lovely summer shots. Have to say your chosen one is excellent.. simple subject but so well executed with a lovely light and softness.
Lovely summer shots and chosen one is great (although I'd have been tempted to crop or clone out the light/reflection top of image). Light on the glass is fantastic.
Good set and lovely light on your chosen shot, won’t mention this weeks theme
Nice one of the flying rat :)
Fair play, attitude or not, the pigeon waited. Good contrast against the back ground and the water curtain looks good. The green in the looks a bit punchy imo
Thanks Keith - I think that seems to be a trait of using my Minolta lenses on the Sony. the images feel very colour rich SOOC.

I can't find the RAW now for comparison, but I don't tend to add too much saturation or vibrancy to my images.

Just for ref (if you're at all interested) here's a LINK to my Sony+Minolta shots on Flickr.
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Getting a little bit out of sync here.

But Week 32 - HOT

Here's one that came as one-shot from the camera. By that, I mean, this was a single shot that's been processed.

This was taken on the Canon R6ii with a 24-70.. I’d originally tried a longer lens to try and compress the bottle and the fireplace (see pull back below).

But the Final shot was taken on a Sony A7i and a manual focus Minolta 35-70 in Macro mode.

TP52 2024 WK 32 - HOT-5216 by Kell, on Flickr

But my submission was a blend of about eight shots.

The label lit with white light, the bottle then back lit with a red light etc etc.

TP52 2024 WK 32 - HOT by Kell, on Flickr

Eight shots:

ContactSheet-001 by Kell, on Flickr

And a pull back:

Untitled by Kell, on Flickr
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