L-Mount Alliance Owners Thread

Yeah, to be fair, my butterfly images are not 'true' macro...at best, they are close up/near macro!!! There are different levels of macro really, one mans macro is another mans close up! Then there is crazy ultra macro, with 500 stacked images, using near microscope lenses.
Macro by definition is just 1:1 or greater reproduction ratio in terms of subject to sensor.

That's another thing that makes me think you won't struggle with the halved depth of field going from MFT to Full Frame. Distance from the subject increases the depth of field so if you're shooting a little less tightly, you'll probably get the advantage of finding it much easier to blow out the background if required on Full Frame.
Macro by definition is just 1:1 or greater reproduction ratio in terms of subject to sensor.

That's another thing that makes me think you won't struggle with the halved depth of field going from MFT to Full Frame. Distance from the subject increases the depth of field so if you're shooting a little less tightly, you'll probably get the advantage of finding it much easier to blow out the background if required on Full Frame.
To be fair, i have another camera set up for 'proper' macro, but ive not been into macro lately, just close up for Butterflies/Reptiles.

If youve seen my Flickr images, then yes, i do strive for a non cluttered/creamy/blown out background, so as you say, perhaps Full Frame could help with this.

Well...i said that i would wait for next year (to hook up with a FF body)...but, ive found an S5 with the kit lens plus spare battery/charger, with less than 3000 clicks!!! Close to home (less than 10 miles) so i might just go take a look? no harm in just looking is there!! :whistle:
What sort of money/price would a UK S5 with kit lens an extra battery, an low shutter count go for? how much would i need to pay? Im pretty sure ive seen somewhere that you can buy a brand new S5 with kit lens, for just under £1000, from the usual retailers. Cheers Paul.
Well...i said that i would wait for next year (to hook up with a FF body)...but, ive found an S5 with the kit lens plus spare battery/charger, with less than 3000 clicks!!! Close to home (less than 10 miles) so i might just go take a look? no harm in just looking is there!! :whistle:
What sort of money/price would a UK S5 with kit lens an extra battery, an low shutter count go for? how much would i need to pay? Im pretty sure ive seen somewhere that you can buy a brand new S5 with kit lens, for just under £1000, from the usual retailers. Cheers Paul.

For such a small difference in price I'd be going new but that's just me. Might be a good negotiating point though, the fact that the body and kit lens can be had for £999 new now which is an absolute bargain.
For such a small difference in price I'd be going new but that's just me. Might be a good negotiating point though, the fact that the body and kit lens can be had for £999 new now which is an absolute bargain.
I rarely buy new camera gear, i dont mind 2ndhand stuff, but i dont buy off of dealers/traders. I tend to find bargains that are hardly used/as new, an are advertised privately. I also look for local gear, so i can view in person. My Panny G9 was local, as new, with less than 400 clicks. I also bought the Olympus 60mm macro lens off the same guy, at the same time.

Yes, when i go view this S5 with kit lens, i will mention the fact that these are selling brand new for just under a grand, which could sway having a deal/haggling etc............The owner is a female, an not being sexiest, but i find it harder to strike a deal with females!!! No offence intended to all the woman out there, but with guys, deals are easier in general.
Anyway, it looks like im viewing this Saturday, all going as planned. Im gonna take both Cannon 500D/250D close up lenses with me, but i still think the kit lens will not have the reach i need, for my type of images??
Anyway, it looks like im viewing this Saturday, all going as planned. Im gonna take both Cannon 500D/250D close up lenses with me, but i still think the kit lens will not have the reach i need, for my type of images??
The 20-60mm is a great little lens but it's very much a jack of all trades, walkaround lens for most people. The 20mm at the wide end is handy as I don't have a wide prime and generally don't shoot wide very often but if you've got a specialist need, it's likely not going to cover it off.
The 20-60mm is a great little lens but it's very much a jack of all trades, walkaround lens for most people. The 20mm at the wide end is handy as I don't have a wide prime and generally don't shoot wide very often but if you've got a specialist need, it's likely not going to cover it off.
I dont shoot people or places/landscapes, i just shoot wildlife, an i shoot close up! I did look into 'wide' close up macro a few years ago, but im sure a specialist lens was needed?? Wide Macro type images shows the subject in its environment, but the lens allows you to get real close to the subject. Perhaps at the wider end of the kit lens (with a Canon 500D close up lens attached) i can try for wide close up type images...who knows, the kit lens might force me to shoot in a different style?...but, i cant help it, i always end up going in as close as i can!!!
Well, i didnt buy the camera...for several reasons really, sensor was covered in dust!! an they were thinking about a price, an would let me know!!! Not sure i want to get involved with a real dusty sensor??? But the camera handled ok, it was in great condition (mainly used for video) hence less than 3000 clicks. Ist time ive held an S5 an kit lens in the hand, didnt have to travel far, so im seeing this as a tester. Attached both Canon 250D an 500D close up lenses, an after changing focus point to large/central (not sure what she had it set to?!) the camera had no problem focusing on stuff in their garden, i took less than 20 shots, in bright sunlight.
I just shot at 60mm, changed aperture from f/8 to f/11. Camera focused less than 6 inches distance from subjects (only because of close up lenses).
The camera handle/body is not as deep/comfortable as my G9, but i could get used to that...i could make it work with just the kit lens for my style of images im after, but ultimately, i would have to get the macro 100mm lens, to move forward, an get the best out of it. Its been a long time since i had to have a sensor cleaned, an i paid a local professional to clean it (Nikon D700 i think) do people still clean their own sensors these days?

Anyway, a couple of testing garden images, jpegs, handheld, basic camera settings, i didnt change much at all, but i had to change the focus size/point, because the camera would not focus with what she had it set up for, an i blamed the close up lenses at 1st!!!

1st image was edited slightly (also ive circled the dust bunnies) because im going to send the owner that image showing dirty sensor! Other 2 images are SOOC. No cropping, just downsized to a smaller file for this forum. Please forgive the poor subject matter too!!! Cheers Paul.

My thumb plus dust bunnies, 60mm f/11 1/500 ISO 640 Exp. 0.


My hand (holding glasses). 60mm f/8 1/500 ISO 800 Exp. 0.


Found a small Spider! 60mm f/10 1/500 ISO 250 Exp. 0.

S5ii animal eye AF worked pretty damn well on a black dog. Genuinely thought this would be a nightmare shoot but it went quite well!

Quick question to the TP massif; is there any difference in the optical quality of the L Mount lenses from Sigma, Panasonic & Leica or are all the same except for the branding? TIA
Quick question to the TP massif; is there any difference in the optical quality of the L Mount lenses from Sigma, Panasonic & Leica or are all the same except for the branding? TIA
All the lenses are made by their respective manufacturers and the optical quality will vary.

The good news is even the standard Lumix primes are pretty damn good. If you want absolute optical perfection you can pay £1000's for the Leica APO Summicron lenses but I doubt many would see a difference unless they're shooting static charts and pixel peeping.

The Sigma Art range also has an excellent reputation and I can vouch for it as my 35mm 1.2 Sigma Art is one of my absolute favourites.
I returned to photography a few months ago after an enforced lay off. Initially I went with Nikon APS-C, d7100 but have not really got on with it. So I decided to sell the Nikon gear and invest in a full frame mirrorless camera that I could use with my Zeiss vintage lenses.

I was torn between a Sony A7iii, Nikon Z6 and the two Panasonics S1 & S5. They are all roughly the same price s/h in France. After a fortnight of deliberation I picked up a S1 with 24-105 kit lens that was advertised on a freeads site. The camera has done less clicks than it cost in Euros. Looks like brand new. I put it to the test on the way home.

Boats at St-Simeux LSF.jpg

Peceries St-Simeux LSF.jpg

Sunflower Gone Over 2 PTF.jpg
I'm getting the hang of the S1 now. It reminds me of the Contax RTS III film camera I had before an eye injury stopped my photography for a few years. Well, 18 if we are counting. It is solid and simple to operate. Much easier than the Nikkn d7100 & d300 that I previously used.

The plan is to use it with my Zeiss lenses from the film era, three Contarex optics; 35mm Distagon, 50mm Planar and 135mm Sonnar and later lenses; 28-85 Vario-Sonnar and 50mm f1.7. While waiting for the adapters to arrive I've been using the Panasonic 24-105 f4 macro lens that I got with the camera.

dolmen Rouffignac.jpg

dolmen Rouffignac close up.jpg

dolmen Berneuil (2).jpg

Le Roche des fèes.jpg

I'm looking forward to seeing the images from the Contarex lenses once we get back off holiday.
It's been another while since I've posted in this thread....still loving the S5 a couple of years on from buying it and working it hard. A recently processed image from Feb. '23 looking to Cul Mor from the summit of Stac Pollaidh... S5 and 20-60

Cul Mor from Stac Pollaidh by Martin Steele, on Flickr