Be careful, it's very addictive. Once you try it and understand how the movements can work to your favour you will want to try even larger formats. I started with a cheap 4x5 monorail, soon moved on to a 4x5 field camera then 5x7 monorail, then 8x10 monorail (everything in the UK is expensive for 8x10 and everything is a whole lot larger too) then settled back to a 5x7 Field Camera with an additional 4x5 back to enable me to use 4x5 too (some film stocks are not available in 5x7).
Fortunately some of the lenses I had bought could be used over all the formats so I still have many of them.
If you do decide to go to 4x5 I have a 90mm Super Angulon spare that you can have cheap to get you started, the Glass is fine as is the shutter but the barrel is quite marked, it is in a 00 sized shutter but has a 00-0 adapter on it to enable it's use in a standard Copal 0 lensboard. This is a good wide angle to get started with and has a decent amount of coverage for movements on 4x5. I can also chuck in some OOD 4x5 film to get you started with.
You can process 4x sheets of 4x5 'Taco Style' in a Paterson Universal Tank but it is a bit of a squash, much better to use a Paterson 3 Spiral Tank for this, if you have a Paterson Orbital Tank, you can process 4x sheets of 4x5 in that too.
Join the it has an amazing amount of experience and talent there and they are very willing to help. They also have a good buy/sell section and you will be able to get some of your stuff there (there is a minimum time and posts for access though so the sooner you join the sooner you can participate if required).
I've just had a look at Peter Walnes website, he has a 4x5 Arca Swiss Monorail for £95, a Copal 0 lensboard is £33 the Arca Swiss wide Angle bellows is £15
Ffordes has a Cambo SC 5x4 Monorail for £149
They have 5x Toyo DDS for £75 (in my opinion the best DDS)
Cambo No1 Lens board £25
150mm Schneider Symmar f5.6 (take off the front element and this is also a 265mm f12 lens, and the front lens alone gives about 300mm 'ish' f12 too both nice portrait lengths on 4x5) for £180
So you can get quite a useful outfit to get started for £150 for all 3 items from Peter Walnes
The Toyo DDS slides and 150 Symmar from Ffordes £255
The 90mm SA/film from me (under £100),
You can get by initially with a cheap Lupe from ebay and a Large Black T-Shirt for a focussing cloth (could also throw in one of these as I am certainly 'large').
So a little over your budget but a quality camera, with 3/4 focal lengths, 5x DDS and a Wide Angle Bellows for about £500 is not at all bad.