Large Format photography group - From "zero to hero!"

I was going to make a humorous (to me, anyway) reply, but I think a more serious one would be better. The history of science and particularly experimental science shows that unexpected results, or results that differ widely from the theoretical calculations can be indicative of an incomplete or false theory. At any rate, they should be examined from a standpoint of attempting to explain them rather than dismissing them out of hand as experimental errors.

Hence my attempt to find an explanation that isn't user error. A slight discrepancy in the holder, unnoticed if a longer lens is used, could be revealed with a shorter lens; even a slight misloading of the film holder could be a cause.

Just my attempt to extract something from the experience...
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I was going to make a humorous (to me, anyway) reply, but I think a more serious one would be better. The history of science and particularly experimental science shows that unexpected results, or results that differ widely from the theoretical calculations can be indicative of an incomplete or false theory. At any rate, they should be examined from a standpoint of attempting to explain them rather than dismissing them out if hand as experimental errors.

Hence my attempt to find an explanation that isn't user error. A slight discrepancy in the holder, unnoticed if a longer lens is used, could be revealed with a shorter lens; even a slight misloading of the film holder could be a cause.

Just my attempt to extract something from the experience...

I've only used that particular holder once before, but the images I shot with it are both sharp (well, apart from some obvious movement errors, and artifacts from the poor quality yellow filter I had issues with). I will keep an eye on the results next time I use that holder to rule out any consistent problem, but I'm still erring towards me being at fault for now.
Well, I have to admit that I've missed focus on occasions (too numerous to mention :) )