LC2's Many Many (More) Fine Shoehorns in 2018 : Week 52 - Showcase [2018 Complete]

Like straight shot as its something I would shoot, and I actually like the uneven saddle heights,,,,
Straight - lovely take on theme, stands out well and different from the other takes on the theme. If i was to be picky i would say it would be good to have had the seats on the bike at the same height.
Unattractive - :puke: what an unpleasant sight and bang on for the theme, the image itself is well taken despite the subject matter the bin bags add lovely colour to the image.
Shadow - both fit the theme but the first one for me as theres much more interest in the image and plenty of shadows.
Unattractive, certainly a good fit for the theme, not that I am any kind of street expert but I think it would be good a frame later with her stepping out from the pile of bags.

Shadow, shame the engine shot didn't work, that would have been good, plenty of shadows in the steel work but I find it a bit busy.
Hi Chris. You might be right regarding the Street shot. I'm no expert at it either :)

Has to be the first one I like how busy it is plenty of well defined shadows, the train its a pity there is no real definition to the shape
Agreed, the train shot didn't work. I just put it there to show what I'd tried (you don't improve if you don't try).

straight - great photo, great PoV! The are all lined up straight, shame you didn't take the time to line the saddles all up at the same height and bring the pedals all into the same position ;)
unattractive - another well composed photo, like the colours. Shame there's that pile of rubbish in front of that lady :exit:
shadow - good idea, but maybe a bit too busy...
Hah, I wasn't going to spend any time adjusting the bikes :)

Straight ... I like that. (y) ... but you could have put all the saddles at the same level :exit:

Unattractive .... yeah would have been better with the girl striding in the road. But, nice find, I guess.

Shadow ... #1 ... full of interest. Looks like the job has been put on hold.
Yes, I think it must have with the amount of growth going on in the shot.

Nice idea for straight Tim, I really like the shot. Nice composition for unattractive and colourful too. It's a shame you couldn't pull off the shot you wanted to for shadow as that would have looked cool. I'm not sure about the shadows on the building, there's something about it that just doesn't feel right. That could just be me being picky though :)
Cheers Tilz. The failed Shadow shot was something I wanted to try, but knew immediately it wasn't up to scratch.

Hi Tim , I really like that choice for Straight, very well spotted, perfect for the theme and that bit different too.
Unattractive ....we do make a lot of rubbish don't we :( at least its tidy, the lady adds that extra bit of interest too in her bright clothing.
Shadow, I definitely prefer the first one, lots of lovely angles there.
Ta Susie. The railway shadow shot was a fail, just posted to show what else I'd tried.

I some how seem to have missed your last three entries.

I like it, the red really stands out against the dark bike frames.

This works well for the theme. Don't they have bins, I know it's all bagged up, but Surely a solid bin would be better.

The first one for me. There's lots of shapes and textures in the shot.
They were posted fairly closely together, easy to miss... I do like the straight shot too.

First one for me too. Nice detail, Cool shadows.
Ta Ross.

Like straight shot as its something I would shoot, and I actually like the uneven saddle heights,,,,
:) No way was I going to adjust them. It would be like posing street ;)

#1 shadow for me, good shot and like the rusty bits.
Plenty of rust there isn't there.

Straight - lovely take on theme, stands out well and different from the other takes on the theme. If i was to be picky i would say it would be good to have had the seats on the bike at the same height.
Unattractive - :puke: what an unpleasant sight and bang on for the theme, the image itself is well taken despite the subject matter the bin bags add lovely colour to the image.
Shadow - both fit the theme but the first one for me as theres much more interest in the image and plenty of shadows.
Nooooo. Not another seat height comment ;) Ta for your thoughts Mandy :)
One eye bigger than the other, yes a bit creepy. :confused: Though not immediately obvious.

Liking the pov, pose and overall artificialness. (y)

Beautiful but a little bit weird Image.Nice details and colours in the hair.

I had to look it up too, there’s 5 minutes of my life I’ll never get back, nice enough pic and no distracting BG
Beautiful is a good shot of ( your daughter ? ) The eye stick on things I find a bit creepy though, but all on theme.
No, not my daughter (see was at home revising for her GCSEs), one of the Cosplayers.
You'd be even more weirded out if I explained the premise behind the plot.
One eye bigger than the other, yes a bit creepy. :confused: Though not immediately obvious.

Liking the pov, pose and overall artificialness. (y)
Well, she is a character from a game (which was then made into an anime)

Beautiful but a little bit weird Image.Nice details and colours in the hair.

Oddly, I find Junko one of hte more normal characters from Danganronpa.
A wig ... I'd say :D I'm fast becoming an expert on this junko enoshima stuff, thanks to google.
:) Crunchyroll has the anime if you want to watch it.
Must admit I know nothing about that Tim, but I’m sure she’s absolutely spot on and Beatifully made up.
The cast of Danganronpa are very popular with cosplayers (at least at the conventions I've been to). To be fair, nearly every one does a really good job.
I had to look it up too, there’s 5 minutes of my life I’ll never get back, nice enough pic and no distracting BG
Cheers Allan. I knew it wouldn't be up your street, but actually I think looking beyond that, it's a good enough portrait.

That's a lot of hair, she's beautifully made up.
Yes. They put a lot of effort in.
Nice shot for beautiful. I'll admit I know nothing about the subject matter but it's a nice shot.
Cheers Ross.
That's an original idea for Straight and works very well, Tim, looking down the row of bike saddles and handlebars (y)
Unattractive is certainly that; a huge pile of rubbish bags on the street and I like the addition of the figure walking behind them and the strong yellow lines that seem to 'confine' them on that side of the image.
Shadow - two really strong images! I love the idea for your second image and hope you will return to it when the light is in your favour, and the first image is spot on for the theme with lots of lines and contrast between the sunlight and strong shadows .
Beautiful - well, I know nothing about this but I agree with the comment above that says this is beautiful in a slightly weird way! :)
Good parody of beauty, I find the strand of hair that wraps under her chin to be very distracting but that's just me.
That's an original idea for Straight and works very well, Tim, looking down the row of bike saddles and handlebars (y)
Unattractive is certainly that; a huge pile of rubbish bags on the street and I like the addition of the figure walking behind them and the strong yellow lines that seem to 'confine' them on that side of the image.
Shadow - two really strong images! I love the idea for your second image and hope you will return to it when the light is in your favour, and the first image is spot on for the theme with lots of lines and contrast between the sunlight and strong shadows .
Beautiful - well, I know nothing about this but I agree with the comment above that says this is beautiful in a slightly weird way! :)
Cheers Andrea. I suspect I need the sun very low in the sky for the second 'shadow' shot to work. I will look out for the right weather though.
Good parody of beauty, I find the strand of hair that wraps under her chin to be very distracting but that's just me.
Parody? I'll tell her you said that. Given that the premise behind Danganronpa, you may decide to run and hide ;) mwhahahaaaaaaa.
Hi Tim catching up on my comments again.

Straight - I like it a good take on the theme you did well to not have anyone on the left hand side to distract your eye

Unattractive - It most certainly is it amazes me how much rubbish is left to build up like that

Shadow - First one for me plenty of details to take in

Beautiful - Works for me a nicely composed image
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Hi Tim catching up on my comments again.

Straight - I like it a good take on the theme you did well to not have anyone on the left hand side to distract your eye

Unattractive - It most certainly is it amazes me how much rubbish is left to build up like that

Shadow - First one for me plenty of details to take in

Beautiful - Works for me a nicely composed image
Thanks Mark
I think that's a cracking photo. I'm only looking on my phone, I'm sure it looks even better full size.
You've got some good colour in the sky and managed to not black out the green in the field.
Tim, that Low shot is really nice,slight shame about the middle tree, and what would have nailed it was if the steam was visible from the chimney, it looks a tad "parked" without that fro me,
Oh aye - as a chuffer geek I do like that!
I think that's a cracking photo. I'm only looking on my phone, I'm sure it looks even better full size.
You've got some good colour in the sky and managed to not black out the green in the field.
Cheers Dominic, it was what I was going for :)

Tim, that Low shot is really nice,slight shame about the middle tree, and what would have nailed it was if the steam was visible from the chimney, it looks a tad "parked" without that fro me,
Look closely, there is actually exhaust, though I'll give you not much. The fireman must have been controlling the fire really well for the exhaust to be so faint, considering they are going up-hill at that point on the line.

Oh aye - as a chuffer geek I do like that!
I'd not been to that spot before, it was worth it though.
its a great silhouette of the train very clear, I would lose a little of the foreground and the tree on the left is a pity but I do like it (y)
Really like that Tim great image for low as you say you can just see the smoke/steam which really adds to the image shame about the tree but there's not a lot you could have done about that without a chainsaw!
its a great silhouette of the train very clear, I would lose a little of the foreground and the tree on the left is a pity but I do like it (y)
I think I had a few shots with less trees, but I think this is my fav for the way the tree brackets the loco. Railways are very much 'in the scenery'.
Really like that Tim great image for low as you say you can just see the smoke/steam which really adds to the image shame about the tree but there's not a lot you could have done about that without a chainsaw!
I'll mention using the chainsaw to one of the chaps who does line-side clearance ;)
It's a lovely silhouette image and that beautiful pastel colour sky. Perfect timing too as any later the engine outline would be lost in the right-hand tree.
Bracketing with the trees was what I was aiming for. I do love the sky colour too - 'twas why we went to that location then.
Excellent! :clap: very well done, but of course you were lucky with that light. ;)
Great photo for low, really evocative.
Cheers Chris
That's excellent, Tim! You can tell the sun is low by the long shadows in the foreground, and I like the way the train is silhouetted against the lovely colours in the sky. Lots of details too, as you said :clap:
Know the times, locations and where the sun is going to be helps, doesn't it.
Excellent! :clap: very well done, but of course you were lucky with that light. ;)
Lucky? You cheeky beggar :) We knew what the light would be like at that time, and at that location (assuming it wasn't cloudy or raining or whatever)
Hi Tim, Getting round to catching up again!

Straight - Nice shot straight down the middle everything beautifully lined up (but the ocd kicks in and screams but the seat aren't) sorry :ROFLMAO:
Unattractive - At least all the rubbish is in bags and not blowing around the street. The lady is almost camouflaged amongst the rubbish bags
Shadow - Such a shame the shadow is not quite enough on the engine, that was a great idea
Beautiful - I find most of these characters slightly strange and the eyes are a bit disturbing but she does have a beautiful face and a good bg with this one too
Low - Thats a cracker Tim, really lovely silhouette and good colours

Thats a cracking shot man. Great details. Beautiful colour in the sky.
Thanks Ross. I'm quite pleased with it :)
Hi Tim, Getting round to catching up again!

Straight - Nice shot straight down the middle everything beautifully lined up (but the ocd kicks in and screams but the seat aren't) sorry :ROFLMAO:
Unattractive - At least all the rubbish is in bags and not blowing around the street. The lady is almost camouflaged amongst the rubbish bags
Shadow - Such a shame the shadow is not quite enough on the engine, that was a great idea
Beautiful - I find most of these characters slightly strange and the eyes are a bit disturbing but she does have a beautiful face and a good bg with this one too
Low - Thats a cracker Tim, really lovely silhouette and good colours

Noooo, not more saddle height comments ;)

It's odd how so little love there is for Cosplay on the forums. Cosplayers love attention and mostly love being photographed (they do ask that they are asked first, and love it if you can give them a business card detailing where the images can be found). You do bump into the same tog (and cosplayer) faces quite a lot, it's actually quite a small bunch doing it regularly. Where else can you find hundreds of models in one place who want to be photographed? I started going along taking my eldest to the events a few years ago as she loves Anime and it's progressed from there. She loves the cosplay side and even I do a bit of steampunk every now and then.

The silhouette shot was cool to get. Not a shot i'd bother repeating too many times though - perhaps a few different locos, but it could quickly get very samey.