Lego and other Minifigures


Emmet Brickowski
Edit My Images
Got hold of some of the Grandchildren's Lego minifigures.

I can see fun ahead. Lots of different figures, lots of different scenarios.

I'll buy them something nice as I will be borrowing a lot of them :D


If you have any minifigure photos please feel free to add them. Love to see what others come up with.


The Contractors

LOL, very nice. How did you get the white background?

I have been buying my kids loads of lego and have put up one or two on flicker will get them on here when at home as work do not allow access to flicker.

Keep them coming....
LOL, very nice. How did you get the white background?

I have been buying my kids loads of lego and have put up one or two on flicker will get them on here when at home as work do not allow access to flicker.

Keep them coming....

That is just a white sheet from Primark (couple of quid) and 2 flashes. Make the white whiter if need be in photoshop.
Okay, I'll play...

They're Still Behind Me, Aren't They...
by The Big Yin, on Flickr

"backdrop" is my computer monitor, with the results of a quick "google image search" for "Indiana Jones Temple". "floor" is a chunk of black foamboard with a cardboard box under it to lift it to the correct height to match the monitor. Quick and Dirty setbuilding 101. ;)
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Nice idea. [emoji3]
This is one of mine, probably my fav so far, but I have an entire thread running somewhere round here, plus a flickr gallery HERE where there are quite a few, including a full set of TP Staff Portraits ;)

Lego Does London by Yvonne White - WhiteGoldImages, on Flickr
You have a zoom lens for them on flickr there Yvonne and a bennie hat.
What do I get them? :)
You have a zoom lens for them on flickr there Yvonne and a bennie hat.
What do I get them? :)

The hat was already with one figure or another depending which one you mean and I do tend to 'create' my own figures by mixing body bits up. The cameras I got from ebay, a pack of 3 for a few quid.
back in May 2012 the TP Photographer of the Year competiton had a topic of "Into the Light".

Now, I'm fairly sure that what was expected was something really clever in the way of Contre-Jour shooting... Unfortunately, mini-Indy had other ideas...

Indy, and the Lightbulb of Doom
by The Big Yin, on Flickr
back in May 2012 the TP Photographer of the Year competiton had a topic of "Into the Light".

Now, I'm fairly sure that what was expected was something really clever in the way of Contre-Jour shooting... Unfortunately, mini-Indy had other ideas...

You see, that should have been a finalist for such a bright idea :D
I considered it to be a shining example of lateral thinking. Unfortunately, the judges took a dim view of it...
I need to dig my figures out and get some shots taken, I bought loads and props and a new lens and then just never got round to any of it!!!!
All very nice images and compositions. I tried to copy Mark's idea of of having a picture on the monitor as a back drop but could not get it to work as I am still learning how to use my flash. I had a go with these two:

Climb_Mt_Smartie by SEP9001, on Flickr

I_am_In by SEP9001, on Flickr

I have a lot to learn about lighting.....

...I tried to copy Mark's idea of of having a picture on the monitor as a back drop but could not get it to work as I am still learning how to use my flash.

I'll be honest, I tend to use the camera on a tripod, controlled "available light" (as in if it's a murky shot, then I'll draw the curtains as a diffuser) and maybe use a desk mini anglepoise lamp perhaps with coloured gels (nothing fancy - think quality street wrappers :LOL:) and perhaps reflectors (a sheet of A4 or a bit of silver foil maybe)

The last shot I posted was taken at f/5.6 for 2.1 seconds, which gives you some idea of the amount of light that was actually knocking around...

these things are ideal for playing about with continuous lighting - it's not as if they're running around at high speed and need flash to freeze the action...

I've even shot things pretty much purely with candlelight and a reflector or two...

Indy and the Mummy
by The Big Yin, on Flickr

The Munny and his Skeleton Minions go all Ray Harryhausen on Indy, while Spielberg and the crew keep the cameras rolling ;)
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I'll be honest, I tend to use the camera on a tripod, controlled "available light" (as in if it's a murky shot, then I'll draw the curtains as a diffuser) and maybe use a desk mini anglepoise lamp perhaps with coloured gels (nothing fancy - think quality street wrappers :LOL:) and perhaps reflectors (a sheet of A4 or a bit of silver foil maybe)

The last shot I posted was taken at f/5.6 for 2.1 seconds, which gives you some idea of the amount of light that was actually knocking around...

these things are ideal for playing about with continuous lighting - it's not as if they're running around at high speed and need flash to freeze the action...

I've even shot things pretty much purely with candlelight and a reflector or two...

Indy and the Mummy
by The Big Yin, on Flickr

Thank you, I think I am just lazy and did not get the softbox out. Will give it another go.
ps, no fancy lighting. Just what was in the room.
Well it's worked a treat, until i went back and read the post I was in awe that you'd done some flambe just to get the picture :)

I could easily recreated that scene if my wife let me cook :D