B&W Let's see your Black and White photos

Over there...

I didn't know until a few days ago that my little "hand me up" Canon G10 did B&W, hadn't read the manual! Here are some tries from this morning's walk

1. Converted water tower


2. St John's


3. Gate house


I've tweaked the brightness and contrast a bit so any comments or criticism welcome.

Canon G10

Love the hand ... [non-pc]drying her nails?[/non-pc]

I think she was just touching her left ear. Interestingly, with her right hand.

Very nice candid street style capture Garry, liking this pic' very much together with the punchy mono presentation.

Thanks, George.

What I like most about this one is that there's a metal fence opposite the window and its reflection is parallel to the counter in the cafe, making it look as if the woman is transparent and the counter goes right through her. I couldn't think of a good title to reflect this, though.
It's in the eyes.

Lacking in contrast, partly due to me being challenged by the light that day. Maybe a different approach to developing (1:4 and shorter time) would have helped? Hey Ho! All in the learning.

EDIT: played with the sliders and this is a little better. I do need to be getting it right in camera more often though.

Ilford HP5+ on the Agfa Isolette II on a rather sunny day in December 2022. Developed in Ilford DD-X 1:9 for 9 minutes.

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haven't been playing much Photography lately but have been doing much more of this ! I found I was struggling to see the sights and the target together ( poor close up eye sight, but then using my glasses gives me a great view of the sights but not the target) I decided to try a cheap Red dot sight and liked it that much I brought another.
The top one is a Crosman 2240 ( Rat Buster) air pistol which is powered by co2 and is normally fitted with a silencer ( it's very loud)


This one is a Beeman P17, A very good copy of a much more expensive pistol, The top lifts up ( pivoted at the front) and as you close it the pump inside charges a cylinder, the air is them dumped when you pull the trigger. Neither of these pistols have any recoil which makes them very easy to shoot !

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I printed my sheep shot on Awagami Bamboo 170gsm and the flipped the paper and printed it again but a little darker. I then put it up to the light and took a picture with my phone of the impact of the light passing through the image. Neat! I'm going to try some specific experiments with differing images on each side.

Original Image converted to monochrome

Sheep on a hill low res.jpg

Phone shot of the print (sorry it's a poor capture but I didn't have a way to light it and hold it (working on that)
