B&W Let's see your Black and White photos


That's good Gary - I think B & W tell more of a story than coloured - that's what I feel anyway - "you" tend to look closer into the image more, if you get what I mean - I suppose that reminds me of Tokyo as I spent a lot of time there in the 80's

Thanks. For me, it's the stories that can make street photography compelling. As soon as I noticed that she had her eyes closed, I thought she might be thinking of the woman she could become, a thought which was sparked by seeing the brightly-dressed smiling woman behind her. B&W gets that kind of story across more easily than colour.
Spending hours "scanning" - I just didn't realise how bad some of my shots were - I'm sure that they looked OK when printed, although it's so long ago that the prints have long gone

I took these in 1973, with an Olympus Trip 35 - used my D850 to copy the slides and then into LR and converted to B & W

My wife said "they do look like "old" pictures


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Canon A1 - more money and could afford a Canon A1 in 1979

a scan from an image taken in 1980 - when it was "more OK" to take images of kids


It's a shame we've lost this kind of shot. Nostalgia is one of the most common and powerful emotions that photo's conjure, and I'm sure most of us look back on our childhoods fondly.

Ice creams, bmx, stick fights in the woods... All fading away. :(
Not quite black and white but I hope you will forgive me, Sepia setting on my point and shoot !


or a little more retro

Nikon point and shoot .Jpg film processed with lots of beer as I had given up on coffee

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