B&W Let's see your Black and White photos

Thank you Gramps, :)
We have quite a few of these in Norfolk, remnants of the ice age I believe. Overgrown with trees and shrubs now.
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A while back I bought a lens because I thought it might be good for mono conversions. I haven't used it much but I did use it yesterday and I then used a preset I made in Silver Efex Pro. Sorry there are so many :D

A dull and drizzling visit to the seaside.






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Why would a specific lens make good images for mono conversions?

Because although it's new it more like an old film era lens with issues and very characterful for that reason and I thought it might give a look different to that of a mono conversion done with a modern lens. So, I suppose it's not just for mono conversions but for mono conversions which don't look like they were taken with a good modern lens.
That's an interesting theory.........

I'll make this my last post on this as it's derailing the thread.

How a lens renders isn't a theory it's a set of observable realities. In this case I've chosen to use a lens which is much more like a 50+ year old lens than a modern mirrorless lens. I could have used a 50+ year old lens but I decided to use this lens as it gives a look more like the look I'd get from a decades old lens but it can be mounted directly to a modern mirrorless camera without needing an adapter. If you want a less modern look I suppose there are a couple of ways of doing it. You can use a lens which gives that look or you can use a lens which doesn't and create the look you want post capture.
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I've been passing a property with an old bus in the garden, engulfed in weeds, brambles, etc. Last time I passed they were trying to drag it out from its resting place. Today I found it standing at the side of the road......

Old Bus Front Quarter Mono.jpg

Old Bus Rear Quarter Mono.jpg

A bit of T-Cut and WD40 should see it back on the road in no time.

Lumix S1, 24-105mm and converted to mono in Silkypix.
I keep coming back to this one and trying to work it out..........

The photo: It's the front of the National Gallery in London's Trafalgar Square, which has columns along the front and a series of statues high on the wall. Hanging from wires, suspended between two pillars is a poster showing a blown-up detail of one of the paintings inside.

The joke: The woman in the painting appears to be looking up at the statue of a woman and asking, "Is statue (that you) up there?". The secondary joke is that I expect a gallery to be full of gals.

Apologies if I'm over-explaining, but I realise that for some people on the forums, English might not be their first language.
Lumix S1, old Zeiss 35mm f2.8 Distagon and processed in

CRX 35D Chaillac Farm PTF Mono.jpg

CRX 35D Chaillac Farm Well LSF Mono.jpg

CRX 35D CRX 35D Pont St Elisabeth Mono PTF.jpg

CRX 35D Yellow Flowers Albumem PTF.jpg
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