Lets see your panoramas

A few from a recent trip to Glencoe area... I went up planning to shoot some wintery snowy sunrises. I'd researched weather patterns for the past decade, checked dates of youtube videos from the same location etc - it was a sure thing!

We ended up with unseasonably mild temps, heavy rain and strong winds. These were the best I could do under almost entirely flat grey skies between showers. The one with the water is from the first morning, which was the only time we got any kind of decent light.

Still, although it was a bit of a washout for the shots I wanted, it was an amazing place to see in person, and many good memories were made - including "the time I slipped on a rock and fell in the river".

Scotland by Jamie Moulton, on Flickr

Scotland by Jamie Moulton, on Flickr

Scotland by Jamie Moulton, on Flickr

Scotland by Jamie Moulton, on Flickr
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Another one from my trip. As usual, flickr downsizes it massively. On the original, you can see someone stood in the window of one of those distant houses!

Scotland by Jamie Moulton, on Flickr

Although technically not a pano but just a crop, here is a shot punched in on the mountains in the background from a few minutes before -

Scotland by Jamie Moulton, on Flickr
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Below one of my favourites. Was taken with a Sigma Merrill DP1. one of the most capable cameras I've ever had. It produced the most rich colours naturally. The following image hasn't been edited, just straight from the camera and cropped from original. I miss my DP1:confused::confused:
_P2M0048 (2).jpg
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Waaay back I asked for a credit card footprint digital camera for Christmas. It was only a cheap one from a department store, a Medion 85173. It's main issue is that the WB/colours can be all over the place so I sometimes import them as raws and process them for best effect sometimes as B&W. I took two pictures of Whitby in 2006 and just today made a panorama of them.


I've just printed the two originals and they're now framed on a wall :D
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View from Mow Cop Smll.jpg
View looking West from Mow Cop in Cheshire yesterday. With binoculars, it was possible to just make out Snowdon. So a view of about 80-miles.

EOS 7DII, EF-S 15-85mm, 15mm, 4-image stitch in Elements 15 and then cropped to a rectangle.
I agree that first one is a corker. (y)
Have to agree. For me the deal is the sky can make or break a photo. Lately I've been looking at photo's of my dog's pointing birds and tried a pano there. 9x18 is biggest, 13x19 is biggest paper I have! Anyway after doing a couple I find I like them better than the standard stuff. Gonna get some roll film one of these days and try a larger pano! Speaking of the sky, there's an old himestead about 40 mi from here I love. have taken a bunch of photo's of it but never caught it with a cloudy sky, just overbearing blue!
I think the reason we, or at least i, like Panoramic so well is I was told one time it is the way we see things through our own eyes!
I think the reason we, or at least i, like Panoramic so well is I was told one time it is the way we see things through our own eyes!

For me it's also being able to put so much detail into a large scene, especially when the option is there for the viewer to zoom in to 100%.

I really enjoy some of those gigapixel panoramics where you can zoom right in