Let's see your trains: inside and out, an open thread

@RedRobin Any tips for the Swanage line? I am down there on holiday week after next and will be keen to get lineside with my camera, family permitting of course :ROFLMAO:. I have got myself an os map and there looks to be plenty of possible locations.
.... Certainly!

I'll find out which particular steam locos are running. Are you down there week beginning 30th May?

I am assuming you won't be dragging your family with you lineside! In which case I can suggest we meet up for a day out 'trainspotting' with our cameras. I'll PM you.
Yep, from the 28th for a week. Might take a bit of negotiation for a full day's trainspotting though. There looks to be a fairly intensive service for the jubilee weekend, plus an evening dining train during the week.

.... Nah, they have just stopped for a nice picnic in the woods somewhere :ROFLMAO:

Very nice picture!

I was trolling through the woodland area taking wild flower snaps next to the line, & the train came thundering past.
I always thought they did track inspection at night!
It's also winding the train spotters up a treat and they can be a temperamental bunch at the best of times.

Careful, you'll have then talking about the number of chimney pots, wind deflectors and all sorts of other nonsense. Lets keep this thread for photography and not anoraks.

Oh, and what is this 'purple' people have mentioned? Why shouldn't a railway cash in on the whole farce? I'd rather they were cashing in than all of the Tiawanese/Chineese manufacturers of cack which have displaced the British manufacters we had when the chief sponger was last changed.
I still mainatin that the mauve jelly beans were the best.

Back to engines....

Waiting for Sirtom to warm up

Lets keep this thread for photography and not anoraks.
When I started this thread I made it quite clear that it was for "Anything and everything to do with the railways."

If that leads to a few enthusiasts discussing detail, fine by me. Mind you, I'd like to see the pictures keep coming as well!

The last time I saw "Flying Scotsman" was during a visit to the National Rail Museum, some years ago. It didn't look quite like some of the more recent pictures...

Flying Scotsman chassis at National Railway Museum Canon 10D 4624.JPG
Careful, you'll have then talking about the number of chimney pots, wind deflectors and all sorts of other nonsense. Lets keep this thread for photography and not anoraks.
..... You fail to mention photography anoraks! Also photography snobs.

Perhaps you should accept that different individuals have different attitudes to commonly shared interests and they deserve respect even if it's not perfectly matching your particular way.
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..... You fail to mention photography anoraks! Also photography snobs.

Perhaps you should accept that different individuals have different attitudes to commonly shared interests and they deserve respect even if it's not perfectly matching your particular way.

I meant anoraks, whatever the material they were made from and I happily accept that we are all different and with widely varying interests. I have little interest in 'trains' though I am interested in engines in a much wider sense.

Not a good photograph but one my dad would have liked.


45212 often pulled the train he went into Manchester on and it's one of the few I 'remember (along with Bahamas) from the time as a kid I was dragged to KWVLR and Dinting.
My own preference would be a class24, 25, 37 pulling a full rake of MGR hoppers but that's not something I had the chance to photograph with digital.

This one needs some work?


This one didn;t but they repainted it anyway (I think the brakes weren't worked and hence the black 5 behind it? Not sure why it had to be painted green for the brakes to work)

I meant anoraks, whatever the material they were made from and I happily accept that we are all different and with widely varying interests. I have little interest in 'trains' though I am interested in engines in a much wider sense.

Not a good photograph but one my dad would have liked.

View attachment 354872

45212 often pulled the train he went into Manchester on and it's one of the few I 'remember (along with Bahamas) from the time as a kid I was dragged to KWVLR and Dinting.
My own preference would be a class24, 25, 37 pulling a full rake of MGR hoppers but that's not something I had the chance to photograph with digital.
.... Thank you for not rising to my earlier possibly prickly comment! Appreciated.

I really like that dark atmospheric photo even though, if one was being very critical, just a tiny bit lighter might have improved it as long as doing so didn't kill the atmosphere you have captured. Really nice picture in my opinion.
No, sadly not.

This was taken through the glass window behind the drivers cab (Wiki Photo) and this was taken from the rear of the train hence no driver in the cab.
.... Good thinking! It works really well and shows a driver's eye view. Nice one!
A tricky shot against the light and very little time to capture it too.

This famous engine, replendent in LMS Crimson Lake livery, needs no introduction.

DESCENDING THE FLYOVER by Robin Procter, on Flickr
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Deutsche Bahn train at Seefeld, heading for Innsbruck...

Deutsche Bahn train at Seefeld heading for Innsbruck  5D 7456.JPG
"Erlestoke Manor" crosses Victoria Bridge over the River Severn between Arley and Bewdley in Worcestershire. Taken with one foot on the bank and the other on a sturdy (I hoped..lol) tree branch a couple of feet above the water..a tad risky but you have to get the shot don't you :)

5.Victoria Bridge Erlestoke Manor.jpg
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Railway at Laguna Del Perro,New Mexico. I was hoping the rainbow would show at the far end of the track. Ten minutes after I took the shot a very long freight train came by.
View attachment 358080

.... W O W !!! That is still pretty mega! Perhaps the track curves towards the rainbow in the distance. It is still a very emotive and evocative image.

I would love to see the freight train pics.
.... W O W !!! That is still pretty mega! Perhaps the track curves towards the rainbow in the distance. It is still a very emotive and evocative image.

I would love to see the freight train pics.

Thanks,Robin. We were on a storm chase and I saw this opportunity. I took the photo and went back to sit in the nearby van (personnel carrier) and only saw the train as it went by. Had no idea it was coming. They are infrequent, no signals on green to show a train is maybe due .I'd loved to have got a shot of it.