Light painting a CB1000R

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I've been meaning to do this for a while and tonight presented a perfect combination of spare time, empty garage, clean bike and the wife out.

Just used an LED torch and a red sweet wrapper over another torch for the red highlights on the can.

Might have to give the R6 a clean at the weekend and have a go at this (y)
Pretty damn good shot. I think the rear wheel has a tad too much emphasis and the headlight/front end loses out as a result. Maybe next time move a foot to your right, a little closer and a little lower to emphasise the front a bit more. And the front tyre looks way dirtier than the rear one.
The light bits look like they're floating and not really fixed to anything as the dark areas are so dark. Could do with lighting also from behind/ above to give a bit of separation and avoid blending in to the BG.

Fair play for trying it, and esp for the idea of emphasising the can. Nice looking bike too.
Dont do out for me, lke the front end, back and seat :thumbsdown: and aweful jpg convers wel fraged nice try but dont do it for me no dynamics
The light bits look like they're floating and not really fixed to anything as the dark areas are so dark. Could do with lighting also from behind/ above to give a bit of separation and avoid blending in to the BG.

Fair play for trying it, and esp for the idea of emphasising the can. Nice looking bike too.

Completely agree. Most of the bike is too dark.
Appreciate the input chaps.

Dont do out for me, lke the front end, back and seat :thumbsdown: and aweful jpg convers wel fraged nice try but dont do it for me no dynamics

Dave, I'm new to this so not quite sure what you mean by "aweful jpeg convers wel fraged". I shot this in jpeg because I forgot to reset the camera back to raw after needing a quick snap for eBay so there was no conversion...........if thats what you mean.

It wasn't until I'd packed the bike away and the wifes car was back in the garage that I realised. By that time I couldn't be arsed to set up again :bang:


Now I really like that, but I agree it needs some lightening. Here's a quick tweak of levels followed by a large radius, small amount of USM:


What do you think?
Now I really like that, but I agree it needs some lightening. Here's a quick tweak of levels followed by a large radius, small amount of USM:


What do you think?

Very Nice!

We've certainly got some engine detail back(y)

I was trying to get a balance between retaining engine detail and losing the background.

I'm going to give it another go tonight with a slightly different composition and see how we go.


Right, I've tried a different composition and in the 2nd one tried to highlight the engine a bit more.

Love the last one, much better shot, but.... it just needed that red highlight back on the can, but even so I love it.
The 2nd one is a lot better. Much better balance and more on the shape of the bodywork and the wheels don't dominate like they did in the original. If you get another chance I'd still like to see a more 'In ya' face' front orientated view. (y)